
malware which isn't really malware

Primary LanguagePython


malware which isn't really malware

supports python 2.7.14

to be used for educational purposes ONLY

Now I have no experience in malware development, and I don't think I'll have gained any experience from this project but I'm sure it's a pretty interesting idea in some ways.

You give the program directly to the victim, they run it, nothing too interesting happens beside it tells the user a random (though functionally not so random) key which the attacker uses to put after https://hastebin.com/, which will load up a paste containing (a) the victim's IP address and (b) a listing of the current directory in index) filename/foldername format e.g. 0) test.py.

The attacker can tell the user to input whatever number he wants within the plausible range; thus generating a new key on the victim's side, and thus the user will give the key to the attacker and either the attacker will've navigated to a new directory or displayed the contents of that certain file they picked.

If the attacker wants to go back, they just tell the victim to write .. as the 'key' and it'll go back with a new key which displays the new listing.

The special thing about this is that the user gives you all his information unknowingly, and you can tell them that and they'll regret it deeply. A plus is that it's easily spreadable, the user can use it as revenge on somebody since it's fairly trivial to use.