
A noise library that was written using Unity.Mathematics for Burst

Primary LanguageC#


This is a port of FastNoise Lite library using Unity.Mathematics for Burst Compiler.


This library has several limitations right now, that can be addresed in the future:

  • if you are not using Burst, it will be probably faster to use FastNoise Lite instead;
  • only 3d noise was ported;
  • point transformations not yet implemeted;
  • Cellular3D only returns distance as a result;
  • code optimisation is in progress;
  • there are only fractal derivatives implemented right now.


You can use this library in your Unity game by using the Package Manager and referencing this package.

Package Manager -> Add package from git URL... -> https://github.com/unbeGames/noise.git


Simple noise:

namespace MyNamespace {
    using Unbegames.Noise;
    int seed = 15;
    float3 point = new float3(3,3,3);
    var noise = new Perlin3D();
    float result = noise.GetValue(seed, point);

Using fractals:

int octaves = 5;
float lacunarity = 1.99f;
float gain = 0.5f;
var noise = new FractalBillow<Value3D>(octaves, lacunarity, gain);

Nested fractals:

var fractal = new FractalRiged<ValueCubic3D>(octaves, lacunarity, gain);
var noise = new FractalFBM<FractalRiged<ValueCubic3D>>(fractal, octaves, lacunarity, gain);

Using warp:

var noise = new DomainWarpSingle<BasicGridWarp, ValueCubic3D>(warpSeed, warpFrequency, warpAmp);

Double precision

Add NOISE_DOUBLE_PRECISION into scripting define symbols.
