
Infrastructure - Serverless Plugin - CloudFront distribution in front of your API Gateway

Primary LanguageJavaScriptMIT LicenseMIT


This package is based on serverless-api-cloudfront

serverless npm version MIT licensed npm downloads

Automatically creates properly configured AWS CloudFront distribution that routes traffic to API Gateway as well as a Route53 A record to point to the distribution from a custom domain name.

Due to limitations of API Gateway Custom Domains, we realized that setting self-managed CloudFront distribution is much more powerful.

⚡ Pros

  • Allows you to set-up a CloudFront distribution for your API Gateway
  • Sets up a Route 53 DNS entry for the CloudFront distribution
  • More CloudWatch statistics of API usage (like bandwidth metrics)
  • Real world access log - out of the box, API Gateway currently does not provide any kind of real "apache-like" access logs for your invocations
  • Web Application Firewall support - enable AWS WAF to protect your API from security threats


$ npm install --save-dev aws-serverless-api-cloudfront


  • FullDomainName - This is REQUIRED and is used to determine the Domain name of the CloudFront Distribution as well register the Route53 A record. In addition, the hostname will be extracted from the full domain name and used to find the correct certificate if the certificate ARN is not explicitly provided.
  • All apiCloudFront configuration parameters are optional other than FullDomainName
  • First deployment may be quite long (e.g. 30 min) as Serverless is waiting for CloudFormation to deploy CloudFront distribution.
# add in your serverless.yml

  - aws-serverless-api-cloudfront

    fullDomainName:  api.my-custom-domain.com
    certificate: (Determined from fullDomainName if not present) arn:aws:acm:us-east-1:000000000000:certificate/00000000-1111-2222-3333-444444444444
    waf: 00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000
    compress: true
      bucket: my-bucket.s3.amazonaws.com
      prefix: my-prefix
    cookies: none
      - x-api-key
      - page
      - per_page
    priceClass: PriceClass_100


  • cookies can be all (default), none or a list that lists the cookies to whitelist
  - FirstCookieName
  - SecondCookieName
  • headers can be all, none (default) or a list:
headers: all
  • querystring can be all (default), none or a list, in which case all querystring parameters are forwarded, but cache is based on the list:
querystring: all
  • priceClass can be PriceClass_All (default), PriceClass_100 or PriceClass_200:
priceClass: PriceClass_100 is the default