
Flowur simplifies the creation of flowcharts

Primary LanguageJavaScript


Flowur is an app that automates flowchart visualization. By running layout algorithms and making quite a few assumptions, it takes the responsibility of positioning flowchart components (i.e. boxes and arrows) away from the user.


  1. A user inputs her flowchart data through a click and drag interface.
  2. Flowur generates a collection of visualizations from which the user can choose.
  3. The user can tweak spacing and styling before downloading the flowchart as an image.

Quick Start

Flowur is a web application that needs to be run on a web server. Either move the project into an existing web server or create one on the fly:

Start a Web Server


npm install -g http-server
http-server -p 8080 flowur-prototype/

Python 3

pushd flowur-prototype/; python -m http.server 8080; popd

If you're using Python 2, replace http.server with SimpleHTTPServer.

Run the App

In any web browser visit http://localhost:8080/flowur-prototype/app.html.

Using the App

Input Data and Structure the Flowchart

  • Drag from the center of a node to the canvas to create a new node.
  • Drag from the center of a node to the center of another node to connect them.
  • Drag from the edge of a node to move it.
  • Click on a node to expand its tooltip. From here you can edit the node or change its settings.

Choose a Layout and Styling

For now a tree-type template is automatically selected.

Save and Share

For now generate a flowchart by double-clicking on the black box.