An architecture for maintaining multiple settings files in Django
django-config is an easy way to maintain multiple configurations for django. It relies on the concept of having a shared configuration file (base) and a per user/ server custom configuration file (dev1/ dev2/ local/ staging). combines the base & custom configuration and loads it up.
- Include the djangoconfig application in your django application set.
- Create a directory named 'config' at the root directory of your project. 'config' directory will contain your global settings file: '' & all custom configuration file e.g. ''.
- Overwrite '' & '' with the files supplied with django-config
- Add new settings to your custom settings file.
- Override base settings in custom settings file.
- Whenever you run, select your configuration identifier
The primary repository for Django-Config is located at:
Django-Config was created by Nowell Strite. Extended and maintained by Tareque Hossain