
Tree and Radial visualization tool

Primary LanguageJavaScript

Tree and Radial visualization tool

I create this tool to visualize my Algorithms and Data Structures notes, this tool can be used for any Tree and Radial visualization.

Quick link https://unbug.github.io/algo/.




Get started

// install denpendence
npm install

// build & debug locally
npm start

// build
npm run build

// dist
npm run dist

// release to gh-pages
npm run gh-pages

// get help
gulp help

Build system

  gulp [TASK] [OPTIONS...]

Available tasks
  build          Builds the app.
  build:app-css  Builds the app style.
  build:app-js   Builds the app scripts.
  build:extra    Builds extra files.
  build:images   Builds the app style.
  build:lib-css  Builds the lib style.
  build:lib-js   Builds the lib scripts.
  clean          Cleans files.
  clean:dist     Cleans dist files.
  dist           Dist the app.
  dist:all       Copy all to dist.
  dist:css       Compress css to dist.
  dist:html      Compress html to dist.
  dist:images    Compress images to dist.
  dist:js        Compress js to dist.
  help           Display this help text.
  lint           Lint JS files.
  server         Starts a HTTP(s) server for debug.
  watch          Watches for changes in files.