
ROS wrapper and startup code for the Anki Vector robot

Primary LanguagePython


ROS wrapper and startup code for the Anki Vector robot


  1. Usage
  2. Topics
    1. Read-only
    2. Write
  3. Custom messages
  4. Demos


  1. Install ROS and rospy
  2. Setup the Vector Linux SDK
  3. Complete the Vector robot authentication process with python3 -m anki_vector.configure
  4. Clone this repository into your Catkin workspace
  5. Install additional dependencies (if needed) with pip3 install -r requirements.txt.
  6. Install cv_bridge from source for Python 3 with catkin build to enable camera functionality. This Stack Overflow thread provides instructions for doing so.
  7. Install this package with catkin_make install (from the root of your workspace) or catkin build anki_vector_ros.
  8. Run source ~/catkin_ws/devel/setup.bash
  9. Run chmod +x on anki_vector_core.py
  10. Launch an instance of the core vector_ros node:
roslaunch launch/vector_core.launch [serial:=<Vector serial number>]

The node may also be run directly via Python if roscore is running:

python3 nodes/anki_vector_core.py [--serial <Vector serial number>]

You may also wish to create your own .launch files incorporating custom nodes. See hello_world.launch for an example.


  1. Ensure you aren't using a VPN before connecting to Vector
  2. The serial parameter is only required if there are multiple Vectors listed in your .anki_vector/sdk_config.ini file. Otherwise, the package will connect to the default Vector.

Using the camera

By default, Vector's camera feed is turned off to conserve its battery, and there will be nothing published to the /camera topic. To launch the core Vector ROS node with camera enabled, run:

python3 nodes/anki_vector_core.py --camera

The --camera flag can also be set in the default .launch file:

roslaunch launch/vector_core.launch camera:=true

Camera troubleshooting

Even after installing cv_bridge from source, you may receive the following error from running the camera thread:

ImportError: dynamic module does not define module export function (PyInit_cv_bridge_boost)

In order to fix this, you'll need to recompile tf2_ros for Python 3. This thread provides steps for doing so, and remember to change python3.6m and libpython3.6m.so in the last step to match your specific Python version.


The vector_ros node creates a series of ROS topics for interfacing with the Anki Vector sensors and outputs. Each topic is designated to either be read from or written to. Please note that this package is currently not feature-complete, particularly for features involving NavMaps and custom object tracking, but feature requests are always appreciated!

Some of these topics send/receive custom messages instead of built-in ROS messages. For details, see custom message definitions below.

Read-only topics

Subscribe to these topics to access Vector's sensor readings

  • /accel: Vector3 reading of the robot's XYZ acceleration
  • /gyro: Vector3 reading of the robot's XYZ tilt
  • /battery: Current voltage level of the robot's battery. Low battery is considered at 3.6 V or less.
  • /carry_object: integer ID of the object the robot is currently carrying (-1 if none)
  • /head_angle: Vector's head angle (in radians)
  • /head_tracking_object: integer ID of the object that the head is tracking to (-1 if none)
  • /wheel_speed/left: Vector's left wheel speed in mm/sec
  • /wheel_speed/right: Vector's right wheel speed in mm/sec
  • /lift_height: height of Vector's lift from the ground in mm
  • /localized_object integer ID of the object that the robot is localized to (-1 if none)
  • /pose: Pose message containing information about a robot's position and rotation with respect to an origin, its pose angle, and pitch (in radians)
  • /proximity: Proximity message containing information with the robot's proximity to obstacles
  • /status: RobotStatus message with information about the robot's sensors and position
  • /touch: Touch message with the state and raw touch value of the robot's touch sensor
  • /events/object: Object message providing the pose, object type, ID, and other attributes of the objects that Vector detects with its camera. One method to begin detecting is to send a message to /behavior/look_in_place
  • /cube/info: LightCube message providing various sensor readings of Vector's light cube
  • /behavior/response: Response message with the results of select commands issued to /behavior

Camera required

Enable publishing to these topics by specifying the --camera flag when launching the core ROS node

  • /camera: ROS Image representation of the robot's front-facing camera. Use cv_bridge to decode this message into a OpenCV-compatible format
  • /events/face: Face message providing the pose, ID, and other attributes of the faces that Vector detects with its camera. One method to begin detecting is to send a message to /behavior/find_faces

Write topics

Publish to these topics to make Vector move and perform other functions. Note that for all movement-based topics, Vector will prevent itself from falling from surfaces (e.g. desks), even when programmed to continue moving.

Pre-programmed /behavior routines

  • /behavior/find_faces: Receives a Bool message with a true value to turn in place and look for faces
  • /behavior/look_in_place: Receives a Bool message with a value of true to turn in place

Note that the following routines only execute if Vector is currently detecting the specified object or face:

  • /behavior/go_to_object: Receives an Int16 message with the ID of an object, which Vector drives towards
  • /behavior/wheelie: Receives an Int16 message with the ID of Light Cube, which Vector pops a wheelie with
  • /behavior/roll_cube: Receives an Int16 message with the ID of Light Cube, which Vector rolls towards itself
  • /behavior/roll_visible_cube: Receives a Bool message with a true value to roll a LightCube if visible
  • /behavior/dock_cube: Receives an Int16 message with the ID of Light Cube, which Vector drives towards and hooks onto
  • /behavior/pickup_object: Receives an Int16 message with the ID of Light Cube, which Vector drives towards and picks up
  • /behavior/place_object_ground: Places the LightCube with the specified Int16 ID onto the ground
  • /behavior/turn_face: Turns to the Face with the specified ID. Note that publishing to this topic will have no effect if the face isn't currently in view.
  • /behavior/drive_charger: Receives a Bool message to trigger driving on or off Vector's charger. A true value makes the robot drive on its charger, while a false value makes it drive off its charger.

High-level driving

  • /behavior/drive_straight: Receives a custom Dist message, making the robot drive straight for the specified distance and speed
  • /behavior/head_angle: Receives a Float32 message and turns Vector's head to the specified angle, in radians. Range in degrees is [-22, 45], with other values clamped
  • /behavior/turn_in_place: Receives a Float32 message and turns Vector in place by the specified amount, in radians. Positive values turn counterclockwise, while negative values turn clockwise.
  • /behavior/lift_height: Receives a Float32 message and sets Vector's lift to the desired height. This is clamped between 0.0 (representing the bottom position) and 1.0 (representing the top position)
  • /behavior/go_to_pose: Receives a Pose message and goes to the specified position. Note that the angle_z, angle, and pitch properties are ignored; quarternion values should be used instead.

Low-level motor control

  • /motors/head: Receives a Float32 message to set Vector's head motor speed. Positive values represent up, negative values represent down. Measured in rad/sec.
  • /motors/lift: Receives a Float32 message to set Vector's lift motor speed. Positive values represent up, negative values represent down. Measured in rad/sec.
  • /motors/wheels: Receives a Drive message and sets the velocity of the left and right treads in mm/sec.
  • /motors/stop: Receives a boolean value of True to stop all motors

Media and animations

  • /anim/play: Plays an animation, via a String message containing an animation name. See here for a full list of animation names.
  • /anim/play_trigger: Plays an animation trigger, via a String message containing an animation trigger name. See here for a full list of animation trigger names.
  • /behavior/say_text: Receives a String message with text to synthesize into speech
  • /behavior/eye_color: Receives a custom Color message and changes Vector's eye color accordingly
  • /audio/play: Receives a String message containing the absolute path of a .wav file and plays it. Audio format must be 8000-16025 Hz, 16-bit, mono.
  • /audio/vol: Recieves an integer 0-100 and sets the audio volume accordingly. This must be sent before a message is passed onto /audio/vol to play a file with the set volume; it does not modify sounds that are currently playing.
  • /screen/color: Receives a Color message and sets Vector's screen to the chosen color for the specified duration.
  • /screen/image: Receives an String message containing the absolute path on an image and displays it on Vector's screen. Resizes image as necessary
  • /screen/display_duration: Receives a Float32 to set the display duration for colors and images on the screen. This must be set before publishing to /screen subtopics to take effect. Default is 5 seconds.

Light cube behaviors

  • /cube/color_profile: Set a ColorProfile for the light cube, modifying the brightness of the red, blue, and green LEDs. Must be called before setting the colors of the cube to have an effect.
  • /cube/lights: Receives a Color message and sets the cube's four corners to the specified color
  • /cube/lights_off: Receives a Bool message with a True value to turn the cube's lights off
  • /cube/flash_lights: Receives a Bool message with a True value to rapidly flash the cube's lights, with white lights

Custom Messages


Specifies how Vector should drive straight

  • distance: distance to drive in mm (Float32)
  • speed: velocity in mm/sec (Float32). Note that the maximum internal speed is 220 mm/sec.


Enables manual, fine-grained control over Vector's motors

  • left: left motor velocity in mm/sec (Float32)
  • right: right motor velocity in mm/sec (Float32)
  • left_acc: left motor acceleration in mm/sec^2 (Float32)
  • right_acc: right motor acceleration in mm/sec^2 (Float32)


Represents Vector's position in the world

  • x: X position in mm (Float32)
  • y: Y position in mm (Float32)
  • z: Z position in mm (Float32)
  • q0, q1, q2, q3: quarternion values representing Vector's rotation
  • angle_z: rotation in the z axis in radians (Float32)


Represents an RGB color combination

  • red: int value 0-255
  • green: int value 0-255
  • blue: int value 0-255


Multiplies the intensity of a light cube's light color by the given Float32 value

  • red_multiplier
  • green_multiplier
  • blue_multiplier


Reading from Vector's proximity sensor

  • distance: Float32 value, in mm
  • found_object: boolean value indicating if object is found by the sensor
  • is_lift_in_fov: boolean value indicating if Vector's lift is blocking its sensor
  • signal_quality: Float32 representing likelihood of reported distance being a solid surface
  • unobstructed: boolean value confirming if no objects are detected


Reading from Vector's touch sensor

  • is_being_touched: Vector's conclusion of if it is being touched (boolean)
  • raw_touch_value: Float32 representing the detected sensitivity from the touch sensor


  • timestamp: time in "robot time" (relative to SDK startup) for when Vector saw the object (Int32)
  • object_id: integer object ID
  • object_type: integer representing the object type
    • 0: invalid object
    • 1: unknown object
    • 2: Light Cube. Note that Vector can recognize at most one Light Cube at a time
    • 6: charger
    • 15: custom object
  • is_active: retrieves the state of the object with respect to Vector's connection
  • img_rect: ImageRect message enclosing the object in a bounding box with respect to Vector's camera
  • pose: Pose message for object's location with respect to vector
  • top_face_orientation_rad: offset of the object's top side, in radians (Float32)


  • timestamp: time in "robot time" (relative to SDK startup) for when Vector saw the object (Int32)
  • face_id: integer face ID. May change once Vector loses track of the face.
  • img_rect: ImageRect message enclosing the face in a bounding box with respect to Vector's camera
  • pose: Pose message for object's location with respect to vector


Provides a bounding box for a tracked object with respect to Vector's camera

  • x_top_left: x-coordinate of top-left corner of the box (Float32)
  • y_top_left: y-coordinate of top-left corner of the box (Float32)
  • width: width of the box in pixels (Float32)
  • height: height of the box in pixels (Float32)


Represents the state of a light cube

  • object_id: internal integer ID representing the connected cube
  • is_visible: boolean value providing if Vector can see the cube
  • is_moving: boolean value providing if the cube's accelerometer detects that it is moving
  • last_moved_robot_timestamp: the time the object was last moved in robot time
  • last_moved_start_robot_timestamp: the time the object more recently started moving in robot time
  • last_moved_time: the time the object was last moved in SDK time
  • last_tapped_robot_timestamp: the time the object was last tapped in robot time
  • last_tapped_time: the time the object was last tapped in SDK time
  • top_face_orientation_rad: angular distance from the current reported up axis
  • pose: the current Pose of the cube with respect to the robot. If the cube is currently not visible, this has zeroed values or will retain its last known position


Various boolean values representing Vector's state. You may use this message to determine when all of Vector's nodes are online.

  • are_motors_moving
  • are_wheels_moving
  • is_animating
  • is_being_held
  • is_button_pressed
  • is_carrying_block
  • is_charging
  • is_cliff_detected
  • is_docking_to_marker
  • is_falling
  • is_head_in_pos
  • is_in_calm_power_mode
  • is_lift_in_pos
  • is_on_charger
  • is_pathing
  • is_picked_up
  • is_robot_moving


The status and (optionally) result of a command published to /behavior

  • status: an integer status code indicating if the command has been received
  • result: an integer action result code indicating if the action (e.g. picking up a cube) has been completed successfully or possible reasons for failure. Some response types do not have a result code exposed by the API and will hold a value of -1.
  • type: a string indicating the type of the response. Refer here to see possible options


The launch and sample_nodes folders contain several executable roslaunch and Python files with examples of using this package. For standalone Python files, ensure the vector_ros node is running beforehand.

  • hello_world.launch: launches a script where Vector drives in a straight line, then stops
  • lab_demo.launch: continuous lab demo where Vector drives off its base, runs an idle animation, and prompts the user for various interactions and responds to them. These include petting Vector, tucking it into sleep, giving it a fistbump, and giving it a cube to perform an action. The demo uses a ROS node-based architecture to communicate between prompts and responses.
  • display_image.py: displays an image for a specified duration on Vector's screen
  • play_sound.py: plays a sound file in the correct format (see above) at a specified volume
  • text_to_speech.py: script to continuously try out Vector's voice synthesizer, converting user input text to speech
  • animate.py: showcase animation sequence where Vector moves its forklift up and down, drives off its base, says hello, and changes its eye color
  • math_demo.py: Vector asks several simple math questions and responds to the user accordingly. Relies the computer's microphone and an internet connection for audio input/recognition. Click here for a video demo!