
Default WP-AppKit theme for Android (beginning with WP-AppKit 0.6)

Primary LanguageJavaScript

Q for Android is a demo theme for mobile apps and Progressive Web Apps (PWA) built with WP-AppKit, a WordPress plugin to create mobile apps connected to WordPress (more on that at http://getwpappkit.com).

It is installed by default with the WP-AppKit plugin. However, you will be able to download a fresh installation from this repository

Screencast of Q for Android


  • Download WP-AppKit: https://github.com/uncatcrea/wp-appkit/releases
  • Install WP-AppKit as you would do for any other WordPress plugins (ie. drop the plugin folder in /wp-content/plugins)
  • Activate WP-AppKit using the Plugins WordPress admin panel. (Browse the Installed Plugins list and click the Activate link of WP-AppKit.)
  • Now you should have a brand new /wp-content/themes-wp-appkit folder (yes, this is where app themes are stored)
  • Download the Q for Android from this repository and drop its folder in /wp-content/themes-wp-appkit
  • Don't forget to rename the theme's folder if Q for Android is already installed.
  • In WordPress, use the WP-AppKit admin panel to create a new app and choose one of the themes in the Appearance box
  • From there you're free to test in your browser (using the Chrome's Emulation Mode) or directly try to compile

If new to WP-AppKit, you might want to read this article: http://uncategorized-creations.com/1212/compiling-app-using-wp-appkit-phonegap-build/.

Theme's Overview

What's implemented

At the moment, Q for Android theme implements:

  • A shiny material design UI (including transitions and ripple effect)
  • Off-canvas menu (you can update it in the app's edit panel)
  • Archive template (eg. post list) with infinite post list
  • Single template (eg. a post) with the most common HTML elements (eg. strong, em, blockquote...)
  • Responsive embeds
  • The refresh process
  • Offline cache (meaning that you can read loaded posts offline)
  • Post thumbnail captions and subhead support
  • A responsive interface
  • Favorites support

Android UI

  • Ripple effect
  • Status bar color matches the theme
  • Android spinner

Cordova Plugins

Q for Android relies on Cordova plugins to:

WP-AppKit export function adds these plugins automatically to your config.xml file. If you don't use the export, make sure to add them in order the theme to be able to work properly.

Responsive Images

Q for Android hooks into the WP-AppKit web services to modify the source code of images in the post content. It eases the way to style the responsive images later. See prepare-content.php in the php folder of the themes.

Thumbnail Captions and Subheads

Q for Android hooks into the WP-AppKit web services to modify add thumbnail captions and subheads (if available) in the post content. See add-custom-data.php in the php folder of the themes. Note that subheads are expected as a post custom field.

Compatibility with WP-AppKit add-ons:

Q for Android is compatible with all WP-AppKit add-ons:

  • WP-AppKit Offline Favorites
  • OneSignal for WP-AppKit
  • PushWoosh for WP-AppKit
  • Google Analytics for WP-AppKit