- 1
Updates to the Governance page
#250 opened by onthebreeze - 0
- 0
Implementation registration for software [KSDPP]
#247 opened by K4-Security - 0
- 3
Implementation registration for HealthLOQ
#232 opened by ToddWTaylor - 0
Requirement GV.03 - Backwards Compatibility
#245 opened by absoludity - 2
Implementation registration for Mining Association of Canada - Towards Sustainable Mining
#236 opened by sdinetz - 2
- 0
DAC Spec Feedback
#241 opened by nickcordina - 4
Issues to fix before 1.0 DCC
#229 opened by onthebreeze - 3
Compliance testing
#197 opened by nissimsan - 1
Setup DIA credential release workflow
#199 opened by onthebreeze - 3
- 3
Upgrade docusaurus
#189 opened by onthebreeze - 0
Missing content on business case for industry
#222 opened by LucaBrunello1 - 0
Input into business case main industry page and comments on some references
#221 opened by LucaBrunello1 - 3
DPP - features requested for v1.0
#203 opened by onthebreeze - 0
Credential status purpose (Conformity Credential)
#214 opened by PatStLouis - 4
- 3
Implementation registration for software Sustainability Tracker
#194 opened by remi-sustainablechoice - 2
RBA UNTP Extension
#209 opened by jcutts-RBA - 1
Heading IDs
#205 opened by philarcher - 2
- 0
Bad sensorMetadata type
#207 opened by nissimsan - 0
Missing type declarations in DTE example
#206 opened by nissimsan - 1
How to handle bulk commodities
#202 opened by onthebreeze - 1
Please add support for mermaid.js diagrams
#187 opened by onthebreeze - 0
- 1
Implementation registration for software Transmute
#184 opened by nissimsan - 1
release 0.5.0 DPP Bugs
#190 opened by onthebreeze - 1
- 2
- 1
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- 1
#185 opened by GerhardHNL - 1
List of bugs in release 0.4.1
#181 opened by onthebreeze - 3
section on Identifier Resolvability
#180 opened by bertvannuffelen - 3
Implementation registration for software [TBA]
#179 opened by abhishekmaha23 - 1
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DPP subject type
#167 opened by nissimsan - 1
- 3
- 2
- 2
Implementation registration for software [Tilkal]
#162 opened by sgaide - 2
- 4
Implementation registration for software [ReLOG3P]
#166 opened by ReLOG3PSNE - 2
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