AMM 形式の DeFi サービス

Primary LanguageTypeScript

About This Project

Miniswap is a amm dapp that allows tokens to be exchanged like Uniswap.

App link (vercel): https://avax-amm.vercel.app/

Tutorial document: https://github.com/unchain-dev/UNCHAIN-projects/tree/main/docs/AVAX-AMM/ja


Connect wallet

Add the following network before:

Network Name: Avalanche FUJI C-Chain
New RPC URL: https://api.avax-test.network/ext/bc/C/rpc
ChainID: 43113
Symbol: AVAX
Explorer: https://testnet.snowtrace.io/

Start from faucet

Get the two tokens (fake USDC and fake JOE) from faucet.


First, sign transaction that approve amm contract to move token.

Sign transaction to call swap.


First, sign two transactions that approve amm contract to move tokens.

Sign transaction to call provide.


Withdraw tokens equivalent to the share.

Build & run

git clone [this_repository]
cd [this_repository]
yarn install
yarn client dev

After executing the above command, access localhost:3000 in your browser.


Chain deployed to: Avalanche


Stack description


  • Solidity

test & deploy

  • hardhat
  • typescript

Directory structure

Root: package/contract

  • AMM.sol
    Implementing AMM contract code.
  • ERC20Tokens.sol
    Implementing ERC20 contracts To simulate the AMM

Walk-through of AMM's code

  • function: provide
    Provide liquidity with the address and quantity of the token as arguments.
    The contract records share (like LP token) for the user who calls this function.

  • function: withdraw
    Withdraw tokens deposited with share as an argument.

  • function: swap
    Swap tokens.
    Using the formula:k = x * y for calculation, and there is a 0.3% fee for swapping.


Stack description

  • typescript
  • React.js
  • Next.js

Directory structure

Root: package/client

  • components, hooks, pages, styles, public
    Contains client side code
  • utils
    Contains the contracts ABI and utility functions.