Generation of client code from YAML wont compile in NET 4.8 / 6 class library
southernskip opened this issue · 1 comments
Trying to create a service for Canada customs described here.
I click a create a new connected service for my .NET Framework 4.8 project (also test fresh .NET 6 class library) in Visual Studio 2022
Select: Unchase Open API(Swagger) Connected Service
I set the Service Name field to CARMService
I check Generate CSharp Client
I set the specification endpoint to:
Click Finish (no further settings selected)
The code will not compile due to tonnes of errors
Illegal method naming:
public System.Threading.Tasks.Task TariffClassifications$countAsync(AcceptLanguage2 accept_Language, string search, string filter)
Strange method formatting:
public System.Threading.Tasks.Task<TariffClassificationsType> TariffClassifications(TariffNumber='',AsOfDate=)Async(AcceptLanguage3 accept_Language, string tariffNumber, string asOfDate, System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable<Anonymous4> select, System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable<Anonymous5> expand)