:scroll: Visual Studio extension to generate OpenAPI (Swagger) web service reference.
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Requesting NSwag upgrade to v14.0.8
#92 opened by sxk17280 - 0
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C# Generated code results in unusable variables
#90 opened by churstz - 1
[FEATURE] Command to generate new versions
#89 opened by Izan24 - 0
[BUG] Switching off Inject HttpClient via constructor resulting in error prone code
#87 opened by HHobeck - 1
Swagger client hides any message sendt from server.
#88 opened by Montago - 2
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Set explicitly values to AllowNull
#60 opened by JacekWalczak92 - 2
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Does not support Visual Studio 2022
#84 opened by soroshsabz - 1
The Connected Services component 'Unchase OpenAPI (Swagger) Connected Service' failed: (HRESULT:0x80070002) Could not load file or assembly Microsoft.VisualStudio.Interop
#78 opened by frederyck973 - 0
- 1
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Templates Ignored
#83 opened by rpelant - 1
Problem with code generation when a controller receives a collection as a parameter
#81 opened by aratar79 - 2
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Generation of client code from YAML wont compile in NET 4.8 / 6 class library
#74 opened by southernskip - 0
Error being produced by generated code
#76 opened by PageHorton - 1
Sends incorrect content
#69 opened by hallgrimura17 - 1
Client Class has to be regenerated providing all the inputs if any changes at the API Side
#73 opened by abilashs213 - 1
The generator returns an error if the endpoint has more than one valid status
#72 opened by Lucjan540 - 3
HOW TO: edit the configuration using the same configuration UI as for to setup connected service?
#68 opened by glyad - 1
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Allow to customize the Newtonsoft.Json.Converters.StringEnumConverter
#57 opened by LeonSebastianCoimbra - 3
BUG generated code fails with runtime error
#51 opened by johnpfmg - 15
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HOW-TO: Configure the tool to regenerate output files on change of the input specification file/url?
#67 opened by glyad - 3
about DateFormatConverter questions
#63 opened by color404 - 1
About DateFormatConverter Question?
#64 opened by color404 - 17
Visual Studio 2022 Support
#56 opened by kfrancis - 1
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Error trying to update the connected service
#55 opened by Krimsar - 4
Task configuration seems not to load
#43 opened by bjoholen - 23
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Not Able to connect endpoint
#59 opened by Karmageddonium - 3
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Case Sensitive file system prevents detection of configured specification endpoints
#48 opened by Garonenur - 1
#52 opened by AZDeveloper777 - 2
System.InvalidOperationException: Sequence contains more than one matching element
#53 opened by TSteschulat - 2
Can't generate Client or Controller
#54 opened by Spizzinho - 8
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Updating connected service on build
#40 opened by robertkety - 1
Incorrect generated method names
#47 opened by seruss - 1
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How do I add http header attributes and values using the generated web api client
#42 opened by asastry01 - 5
Feature: C# Client dialog reads in properties from previously generated Client.nswag
#37 opened by realsircodesalot - 7
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BUG : Unable to inject baseUrl in constructor
#36 opened by muhammadaqibbp