
Sudoku solver for E61 of Clean Code (cleancoders.com)

Primary LanguageClojure


Testing Strategy.

Sudoku boards are traditionally rank 3. That means there are 3^2 rows and 3^2 columns and 3^2 possible digits.

We will begin testing with a rank 1 board. Such a board has one row, one column, and only one valid number: 1. Thus there is only one solution. [[1]].

Then we'll move on to the rank 2 board. This has 4 rows, 4 columns, and 4 valid numbers [1 2 3 4]. They have the form:

[[d d d d]
[d d d d]
[d d d d]
[d d d d]]

Once that is solved, I expect the general case to be solved as well.