Pet Shop API

A simple Pet Shop API built on top Laravel following TDD.

Fulfilling of requirements

I have tried to fulfil the following requirements:

  • The Must
  • The Recommended


Please follow the commands below to make the API up and run. First clone the repo with the command below and cd to pet-shop-api dir:

git clone

cd pet-shop-api

Create private and public keys to be used for aysmmetric algorithm to generate JWT token.

mkdir -p ./storage/app/token

openssl genrsa -out ./storage/app/token/jwt-token-private.key

openssl rsa -in ./storage/app/token/jwt-token-private.key -pubout -out ./storage/app/token/jwt-token-public.key

Set environment variables for database, and private and public key files.

cp .env.example .env

Open the .env file on you editor and set these following environment variables:

# Path is relative to storage/app dir

You may change these the way you need.

Now you can run docker containers by the following command:

docker compose up -d --build

To make sure containers are running well, run the following command:

docker container list

Once the containers are up and running you can install php dependencies. To do that run the command below:

docker exec -it xo-pet-api-app composer install

And generate application key by the following command:

php artisan key:generate

When php dependencies are installed, you can make migrations of db tables and seed tables with dummy data using the following command.

docker exec -it xo-pet-api-app php artisan migrate:fresh --force --seed

Open the application

The application runs on port 8000 as it exposed by docker. So open your browser and hit the following URL:


API docs

The Pet Shop API is available at the following URL:



To run all unit and feature tests run the following command please:

php artisan test

// or
