
make build


  1. Generate TSS accounts

    Run TestKeygen to generate tss account for BSC and ETH. Then write the two addresses to bsc_account_addr and eth_account_addr.

  2. Transfer enough BNB and ETH to the two tss accounts.

  3. Config swap agent contracts

    1. Deploy contracts in eth-bsc-swap-contracts
    2. For deployed contracts on testnet please refer to BSCSwapAgent and ETHSwapAgent
    3. Write the two contract address to eth_swap_agent_addr and bsc_swap_agent_addr.
  4. Config start height

    Get the lastest height for both BSC and ETH, and write them to bsc_start_height and eth_start_height.


./build/swap-backend --config-type local --config-path config/config.json