
No implementation of method: :diamond-factory of protocol:

zendevil opened this issue · 4 comments

Here's the require statement:

(ns foo.foo.core
            [foo.core :refer [random]]
             [core :refer :all]
             [native :refer :all]]
             [dnn :refer :all]
             [tensor :refer :all]

Using the tensor function like so:

 (tensor 4 [1 1 1 1] :float :nchw)

gives the following error

No implementation of method: :diamond-factory of protocol:
   #'uncomplicate.diamond.internal.protocols/DiamondFactoryProvider found for
   class: java.lang.Long

Why was diamond-factory protocol not found?

You didn't load uncomplicate.diamond.native namespace (or some other namespace that would set the default engine, for example cudnn).


[uncomplicate.diamond.native :refer :all]

in the require statement gives the same error. What namespace sets the default engine in macOS?
Here's the require statement.

(ns foo.foo.core
            [foo.core :refer [random]]
             [core :refer :all]
             [native :refer :all]]
            [uncomplicate.diamond.tensor :refer [tensor desc]]

I've loaded every single namespace in deep diamond. Here's my require statement:

(ns foo.flight.core
            [clojure.math.numeric-tower :refer [expt]]
             [core :refer :all]
             [native :refer :all]]
            [uncomplicate.diamond.tensor :refer [tensor desc]]

But I'm still getting the same error.

I don't know how would randomly loading namespaces solve a problem, so I can't comment much on that.

Please enable SIP and see examples from the DD test folder.