- 4
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read/write trained network, access layer weights?
#13 opened by xlfe - 1
Getting deep-diamond to work on Windows
#20 opened by BorisVSchmid - 6
Clarification: Default CUDA required?
#16 opened by behrica - 4
`data` seems to be mssing in GitHub
#14 opened by behrica - 12
mnist ttes fails with CUDNN_STATUS_NOT_SUPPORTED
#18 opened by behrica - 2
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Receiver class uncomplicate.diamond.internal.neanderthal.directed.DirectedLayerBlueprint does not define or inherit an implementation of the resolved method 'abstract java.lang.Object applyTo(clojure.lang.ISeq)' of interface clojure.lang.IFn.
#11 opened by qeshi - 4
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Cuda 11 error when initializing gpu
#3 opened by kongeor - 1
No implementation of method: :diamond-factory of protocol: #'uncomplicate.diamond.internal.protocols/DiamondFactoryProvider found for class: nil
#4 opened by kongeor - 0
macOS: No resource found with name '/lib/libJCudaRuntime-11.0.0-apple-x86_64.dylib'
#2 opened by blueberry - 9