
An imgui Rust backend for plotters. Useful if you want to

  • animate your plotters charts and make them interactive, or
  • add plotting functionality to your imgui application.


The backend currently does not support different font styles and sizes since this doesn't have first class support in imgui. Therefore, chart captions, axis labels etc will always be rendered in the default font that you have configured for imgui.


Just import plotters_imgui::ImguiBackend and use as a plotters backend:

let dl = ui.get_background_draw_list();
let root = ImguiBackend::new(&ui, &dl, (400, 300)).into_drawing_area();

let mut chart = ChartBuilder::on(&root)
    .build_cartesian_2d(0.0..6.0, -1.5..1.5).unwrap();


        (0..=600).map(|x| x as f64 / 100.0).map(|x| (x, x.sin())),

Full Example

For a compiling, interactive example, see the examples directory.