All the things I do to install single-user or non-administrative software as much as possible on my corporate provided laptop.
Work with IT Services to get updater and admin-only apps running:
- Thycotic "request run as thycotic admin"
- Lenovo Commercial Vantage
- F5 VPN
- 7-zip
- Notepad++
- Citrix Workspace
- SQL Server Management Studio (w/ Azure Data Studio)
- Greenshot
Save to a file "RunAsInvoker.bat"
cmd /min /C "set __COMPAT_LAYER=RUNASINVOKER && start "" %1"
Drag and drop programs on this to run as non-admin.
Install-Module -Name "SqlServer" -Scope CurrentUser
Create the file: "ChocolateyInstallNonAdmin.ps1"
# Set directory for installation - Chocolatey does not lock
# down the directory if not the default
# If your PowerShell Execution policy is restrictive, you may
# not be able to get around that. Try setting your session to
# Bypass.
Set-ExecutionPolicy Bypass -Scope Process -Force;
# All install options - offline, proxy, etc at
iex ((New-Object System.Net.WebClient).DownloadString(''))
Make sure you change the $InstallDir to whatever you actually want.
In a Powershell session run:
Set-ExecutionPolicy Bypass -Scope Process -Force;
Then run the ChocolateyInstallNonAdmin.ps1 file.
Apps that can be installed:
choco install git.commandline -y
# choco install notepadplusplus.commandline -y
# choco install 7zip.portable -y
Other options:
- Password Safe -
- mRemoteNG -
- OneNote for Windows 10 ? -- apears unavailable now