
Example use cases for the GPT-4 Vision API

Primary LanguagePython

GPT-4 Vision Examples

These are some simple example use cases for the GPT-4 Vision API Video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qEoHdscmFck

1. Image categorization

Create keywords for images in the images folder and search for images based on the keywords

  • Create keywords: image_categorization.py
  • Search: image_search.py

2. Image laundering

Create a replica of an image by feeding its description from GPT-4 Vision to DALL-E 3

  • image_laundering.py IMAGE_FILE

3. Web scraping

Scrape prices from Amazon search results screenshot

  • price_scraping.py

4. Website monitoring

Monitor changes to a website based on screenshots

  • Initialize: website_check_init.py
  • Check changes: website_check.py

5. Sketch to site

Convert a sketch of a website / web app into the HTML and CSS

  • sketch_to_site.py IMAGE_FILE