
Android App to generate radom sets of words.

Primary LanguageKotlin

Welcome to Taleia App!

This app let's you create random sets of words in order to break the writer's block. It has 3 main screens:

  • Scene: It generates 3 words for Who, What and Where
  • Character: It generates 4 words for Who, Adjective and some kind of characteristics with a verb and a noun.
  • Challenge : It generates 3 words for what , writting style and limitation


Implemented a Log In / Sign In functionality with AppWrite ( )



Once logged in the user can save the combinations (stored in the AppWrite platform).




They will be displayed in a Toast message (scrollView still in progress)



Here we can see the saved files in Appwrite:



How to implement Appwrite:

In order for it to run, we need to create an Android project and inside this projects the following three collections:


Will be used to store the scene combinations. It has to be set with the following Rules and Permissions:

  • Rules:

    • who : Text
    • what : Text
    • where : Text
  • Permissions:

    • read access : *
    • write access : *


Will be to store the character combinations. It has to be set with the following Rules and Permissions:

  • Rules:

    • who : Text
    • adj : Text
    • tick1 : Text
    • tick2 : Text
  • Permissions:

    • read access: *
    • write access: *


Will be to store the challange combinations. It has to be set with the following Rules and Permissions:

  • Rules:

    • what : Text
    • style : Text
    • restrict : Text
  • Permissions:

    • read access : *
    • write access : *

Hope you like it!


  • Display the list of saved Instances in a scroll view
  • Display the three options in a menu Tab in the saved prompts activity
  • Add icons to the Drawer Navigation Menu