- 1
Destination URL not reset. The URL returned from login must be set in the SforceService
#31 opened by karthickbabuos - 4
- 6
rforce: Destination URL not reset error
#27 opened by karthickbabuos - 2
Upgrading to oauth2
#17 opened by rubydog - 1
Investigate SSL cert verification
#6 opened by undees - 1
Integer auto-parsing chokes on ZIP codes
#22 opened by undees - 0
Multi-Record DML Operations with Same sObject cause undefined method `to_sym'
#15 opened by ryanbrainard - 8
- 3
wrong number of arguments (1 for 0)
#18 opened by rubydog - 1
Invalid OAuth tokens
#16 opened by rubydog - 3
How can I create multiple records at once?
#14 opened by mrpersister - 1
Support rubygems-test
#5 opened by undees - 3
rForce behind a proxy
#13 opened by JBX028 - 3
login breaks in Rails 3.1 (RC)
#10 opened by tusharr - 1
login breaks in Rails 3.1 (RC)
#9 opened by tusharr - 4
login_with_oauth not working
#4 opened by aq1018