
angular multiselect

Primary LanguageJavaScriptMIT LicenseMIT

#oi.multiselect — AngularJS directive of select element


  • API compatible with Angular select
  • Angular 1.2+ without jQuery and other dependencies
  • search options by substring (including the search query to the server)
  • use Bootstrap styles (but you can use own styles)
  • 17 KB minified


Do you want to see module in action? Visit http://tamtakoe.github.io/oi.multiselect/!


You can download files through Bower:

npm install -g bower
bower install oi.multiselect

or make build:

npm install
npm install -g grunt-cli
grunt build

Then you need to include into index.html:

multiselect.min.js or multiselect-tpls.min.js

When you are done downloading all the dependencies and project files the only remaining part is to add dependencies on the oi.multiselect AngularJS module:

angular.module('myModule', ['oi.multiselect']);

Use oi-multiselect directive:

    ng-options="item.name for item in shopArr track by item.id"


  • ng-options — see: ngOptions
    • ng-options="item for item in shopArrShort | limitTo: 3" — filter input list
    • ng-options="item for item in shopArrFn($query, $querySelectAs)" — generate input list (expects array/object or promise)
  • ng-model — chosen item/items
  • ng-disabled — specifies that a drop-down list should be disabled
  • multiple — specifies that multiple options can be selected at once
  • multiple-limit — maximum number of options that can be selected at once
  • readonly — specifies that an input field is read-only
  • notempty — specifies that an input field can't be empty
  • autofocus — specifies that an input field should automatically get focus when the page loads
  • oi-multiselect-options — object with options. You can override them in oiMultiselectProvider.options
    • debounce — timeout of debounced input field (default: 500). Set only if value is function which return promise
    • searchFilter — filter name for items in search field
    • dropdownFilter — filter name for items in dropdown
    • listFilter — filter name for items order in dropdown
    • saveLastQuery — function which get lastQuery and removedValue and return string for input after element was removed (default: '')
    • saveTrigger — Trigger on which element is stored in the model. May be enter, backslash, blur (default: enter, backslash)
    • newItem — Mode of adding new items from query (default: false). May be autocomplete (priority save matches), prompt (priority save new item)
    • newItemModel — New items model (default: model = query). $query value from model will be changed to query string.
    • newItemFn — function which get query and return new item object or promise