Project 4 Documentation

By: Nathan Noack


See working site here!
Welcome to the Backend repo! This is a full-stack (React/Python/Masonite/Postgre SQL) app implementing CRUD functionality.
See frontend repo here

Technologies Used


  • HTML5
  • CSS3
  • JavaScript ES6
  • Python

Libraries / Techniques

  • React Routing
  • MaterialUI framework (mobile-first, responsive, trendy look & feel)
  • Frontend deployed with Netlify
  • Postgre SQL as the database
  • Masonite as the ORM framework

Backend Route Table

Path HTTP Verb Purpose
/ GET Show Masonite Welcome page
/timeblocks GET Fetch All timeblock categories
/timeblocks/@id GET Show a single timeblock category
/timeblocks POST Create route (primarily for seeding timeblock categories)
/timeblocks/@id PUT Update a specific timeblock category
/reminders GET Fetch All timeblock categories
/reminders/@id GET Show a single reminder
/reminders POST Create a new reminder
/timeblocks/@id PUT Update a specific reminder
/timeblocks/@id DELETE Delete a specific reminder


Known Bugs

  • No known bugs at this time

Extra Features for the Future:

  • Add user authentication
  • Reconfigure one-to-many relationship between timeblocks <--> reminders
  • Add additional models if it makes sense in the frontend (e.g. URLs)