
Have you ever wanted to quote someone on Discord? Now you can do it, while you look cool.

Primary LanguageJavaScript


A plugin to facilitate quoting for a better conversation, without people being lost in the context 😉


  • Allows you to see the message that will be quoted
  • Allows you to delete a message you don't want to quote
  • Allows you to select the message you want to quote
  • Allows you to switch servers or channels while quoting

BetterDiscord installation

  1. Go to the BetterDiscord site
  2. Download the version for your operating system
  3. Extract the files from the .zip
  4. Install by clicking on the .exe file

Plugin installation

In order to install, follow the steps of a regular plugin installation:

  1. Download the latest version in releases.
  2. Type Win + R (or open 'Run' in start menu)
  3. Type %appdata%/BetterDiscord/plugins and hit Enter
  4. Place the downloaded file there.

Any question, ask me on Discord: Nirewen#9011

You can also join the support server [EN]

Translated by L11K#5987

Known bugs

  • Global emotes / Guild emotes might not show
  • For this one I won't fix, once Nitros don't have this issue
  • Just don't be surprised if the emote doesn't work, it's not plugin's fault, but Discord's API that prohibited global emotes in embeds (what quotes basically are)


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