
A Soundboard Bot for Discord

Primary LanguageTypeScriptMIT LicenseMIT

Discord Soundbot

A Soundboard Bot for Discord to play your favorite sounds or music. You can add and play sounds, ignore users, set an avatar and more!

This is a self-hosted bot which means that you have to install and start the bot yourself. This is due to the bot being heavily involved with voice functionality. But don't sweat it! You can find a thorough installation and configuration guide in this README!

If you still need any help after reading this guide and the wiki, or you want to stay tuned, feel free to join my Discord server.

Have fun!



To use this bot, you first have to create your own Discord Application. If you don't know how to do it, this wiki page will guide you through every step of the way.


Check config/config.example.json for an example configuration and create a new file config.json inside the config folder with your desired configuration. For a detailed description on all of the options, see here. Make sure to restart the bot whenever you change the configuration.


The bot can be installed manually or via Docker.

Building manually

  • Install Node.js v8.0.0 or newer and FFmpeg.
  • Install the bot's dependencies with npm install.
  • Run the bot with npm start.

Need more details? You can find more detailed installation guides for Unix (including your Raspberry Pi), macOS, and Windows.

Building via Docker

Note: Using this method, the bot will lose all sounds when restarting because the Docker container has its own file system.

  • Simply clone the repo and run docker build -t soundbot . inside the folder.
  • Afterwards start the bot via docker run soundbot.
  • To run the container in the background use docker run -d soundbot.

Adding the bot to your server

In both cases the bot will print a message to your console which should look a little bit like this

Use the following URL to let the bot join your server!

Follow the link and allow the bot to join your Discord server.


Type !help or !commands to print a list of available commands.

You can add, rename, download, tag, play, and remove sounds, ignore users, set the avatar, and more.

Note: The commands !rename, !remove, !ignore, !unignore, !avatar and !tag <sound> clear are restricted and can only be accessed by administrators.

Adding sounds

You can add sounds to the bot by typing !add and attaching a file. Accepted file formats and a limit to the size are configurable. The name of the sound can only contain alphanumeric characters.

You can instead also add a sound from YouTube with !add <name> <link>.

Playing sounds

Type !sounds to get a list of all sounds that are available to your bot. Play any sound by prefixing it with your prefix, e.g. !rickroll. Play a random sound with !random.

All sounds will be added to a queue and played in succession. To halt the playback and empty the queue type !stop.

Tagging and searching sounds

When your library of sounds gets too big and you forget what kinds of sounds you have, you can add tags to sounds.

You can add tags to sounds with !tag <sound> <tag>. You can specify one or more sounds. You can get the tags of a sound with !tag <sound>. You can also remove all tags from a sound with !tag <sound> clear.

To search for specific sounds use !search <tag>. It will look for the name of the sound as well as tags that you might have added to the sound.

To see all sounds with their respective tags use !tags.

Renaming sounds

Sounds can be renamed by using !rename <old> <new>. The bot will respond with a status update.

Removing sounds

You can delete sounds by typing !remove <sound>. The bot will respond with the status of the deletion in the channel of the message.

Downloading sounds

You can send existing sounds to chat with !download <sound> in case you do not have the files anymore.

Ignoring users

Users can be ignore from using any command by the !ignore <user> command while specifying their respective ID. The user will be mentioned by the bot in the channel of the message. Use !unignore <user> to allow the user to interact with the bot again.

Setting an avatar

Use !avatar and attach an image to set the bot's avatar. You can remove the avatar to go back to the default by using the optional remove parameter as in !avatar remove.


This bot is a dear passion project of mine. If you have any suggestions for new features or improvements, feel free to open an issue or talk to me on Discord. I'll be glad to look into it!

In particular, thanks to these splendid lads for providing localization: