
SIPp voip Stress

Primary LanguageDockerfileMIT LicenseMIT

Docker SIPp

Getting Started

Pull the latest image using:

$ docker pull pkecastillo/sipp-voip-stress
$ docker run -it pkecastillo/sipp-voip-stress

or clone this repo and

$ docker build -t sipp
$ docker run -it sipp


You can pass your SIPp arguments to the run command, example:

$ docker run -it pkecastillo/sipp-voip-stress -sn uas

If you want to use custom scenarios you can use the Docker VOLUME argument to include your local files inside your Docker image. The -v /root/sipp-docker/scenarios is your local hosts working directory and /sipp is the containers working directory.

$ docker run -it -v ./DATA/scenarios:/sipp -p 5060 pkecastillo/sipp-voip-stress -sf opt1.xml DEST_IP -s DEST_NUMBER

RFC2833 PCAPs are included in the REPO and can be called in your scenarios using the same syntax as above. This method can also be used to write logs from the container to the local directory.

If you want to expose port 5060 (so you can send SIP to SIPp from a remote host) you can start the container using the -p flag and then inspect the container to determine the external port. I started three containers running SIPp using docker run -d -p 5060 pkecastillo/sipp-voip-stress -sn uas and now have ports 32785-32878 mapped to each SIPp instance. SIPp now appears on port 5060 of the contianer but 32785 externally.

Note: If you want to use udp specify your port as -p 5060/udp

$ docker ps
CONTAINER ID        IMAGE               COMMAND                  CREATED              STATUS              PORTS                     NAMES
018781761d5a        pkecastillo/sipp-voip-stress         "sipp -sn uas"   2 minutes ago        Up 2 minutes>5060/tcp   angry_hohoho

$ docker inspect 018781761d5a
     "Ports": {
                "5060/tcp": [
                        "HostIp": "",
                        "HostPort": "32787"

You can also map port 5060 externally to 5060 on your container using the same argument by declaring both ports:

$ docker run -d -p 5060:5060 pkecastillo/sipp-voip-stress -sn uas

      "Ports": {
                "5060/tcp": [
                        "HostIp": "",
                        "HostPort": "5060"

To run SIPp in background (detached from your terminal) you can start SIPp using the -d argument and then control with docker start/stop pkecastillo/sipp-voip-stress/. You can then view the logs (SIPp STDOUT) from the container using the docker logs commands. Example running SIPp using the default UAS scenario in the background.

$ docker run --name sipp-uas -d -p 5060 pkecastillo/sipp-voip-stress -sn uas
$ docker logs -f sipp-uas