Please run using Python 3.10 or higher if possible, that is the version of python I used when developing this.
Example of running code:
python3 src/ path/to/file.wmg
Important: Make sure to install numpy before running the application, as I use it to do matrix stuff
pip install -r requirements.txt
# OR
pip install numpy==1.23.5
Should do the trick
Why so many files?
I like object oriented code
What do they do?
Good question!
- Uses matplotlib to plot the graphs in the report
- Brute forces Simmulated Annealing parameters to find optimal ones
- I planned to make this multi-threaded so it was faster... But I decided against that so I had time to write the report
- Stores a neighbourhood pretty much, has code to generate new ones
- Entrypoint for the coursework requirements
- SimulatedAnnealing class that runs the pseudo-code from the lectures
- Parser for the wmg files, should be smart enough to work with more data sets than just this one! (Try it if you like)