
Welcome to the AirBnB clone project! Airbnb was born in 2008, when two designers with a spare room hosted three travelers looking for a place to stay. Today, millions of hosts and travelers choose to create a free Airbnb account to post their listing or book unique accommodations around the world. And Airbnb Experience Hosts share their passions and interests with travelers and locals.

Primary LanguagePython

0x00. AirBnB clone - The console

  • By Guillaume
  • Weight: 5
  • Project to be done in teams of 2 people (My team: Arsene Awounou, Pericles Adjovi)


For this project, students are expected to look at these concepts:

Background Context

Welcome to the AirBnB clone project!

Before starting, please read the AirBnB concept page.

First step: Write a command interpreter to manage your AirBnB objects.

This is the first step towards building your first full web application: the AirBnB clone. This first step is very important because you will use what you build during this project with all other following projects: HTML/CSS templating, database storage, API, front-end integration...

Each task is linked and will help you to:

  • put in place a parent class (called BaseModel) to take care of the initialization, serialization and deserialization of your future instances
  • create a simple flow of serialization/deserialization: Instance <-> Dictionary <-> JSON string <-> file
  • create all classes used for AirBnB (User, State, City, Place...) that inherit from BaseModel
  • create the first abstracted storage engine of the project: File storage.
  • create all unittests to validate all our classes and storage engine

What's a command interpreter?

Do you remember the Shell? It's exactly the same but limited to a specific use-case. In our case, we want to be able to manage the objects of our project:

  • Create a new object (ex: a new User or a new Place)
  • Retrieve an object from a file, a database etc...
  • Do operations on objects (count, compute stats, etc...)
  • Update attributes of an object
  • Destroy an object


Read or watch:

Learning Objectives

At the end of this project, you are expected to be able to explain to anyone, without the help of Google:


  • How to create a Python package
  • How to create a command interpreter in Python using the cmd module
  • What is Unit testing and how to implement it in a large project
  • How to serialize and deserialize a Class
  • How to write and read a JSON file
  • How to manage datetime
  • What is an UUID
  • What is *args and how to use it
  • What is **kwargs and how to use it
  • How to handle named arguments in a function


Python Scripts

  • Allowed editors: vi, vim, emacs
  • All your files will be interpreted/compiled on Ubuntu 20.04 LTS using python3 (version 3.8.5)
  • All your files should end with a new line
  • The first line of all your files should be exactly #!/usr/bin/python3
  • A README.md file, at the root of the folder of the project, is mandatory
  • Your code should use the pycodestyle (version 2.7.*)
  • All your files must be executable
  • The length of your files will be tested using wc
  • All your modules should have a documentation (python3 -c 'print(__import__("my_module").__doc__)')
  • All your classes should have a documentation (python3 -c 'print(__import__("my_module").MyClass.__doc__)')
  • All your functions (inside and outside a class) should have a documentation (python3 -c 'print(__import__("my_module").my_function.__doc__)' and python3 -c 'print(__import__("my_module").MyClass.my_function.__doc__)')
  • A documentation is not a simple word, it's a real sentence explaining what's the purpose of the module, class or method (the length of it will be verified)

Python Unit Tests

  • Allowed editors: vi, vim, emacs
  • All your files should end with a new line
  • All your test files should be inside a folder tests
  • You have to use the unittest module
  • All your test files should be python files (extension: .py)
  • All your test files and folders should start by test_
  • Your file organization in the tests folder should be the same as your project
  • e.g., For models/base_model.py, unit tests must be in: tests/test_models/test_base_model.py
  • e.g., For models/user.py, unit tests must be in: tests/test_models/test_user.py
  • All your tests should be executed by using this command: python3 -m unittest discover tests
  • You can also test file by file by using this command: python3 -m unittest tests/test_models/test_base_model.py
  • All your modules should have a documentation (python3 -c 'print(__import__("my_module").__doc__)')
  • All your classes should have a documentation (python3 -c 'print(__import__("my_module").MyClass.__doc__)')
  • All your functions (inside and outside a class) should have a documentation (python3 -c 'print(__import__("my_module").my_function.__doc__)' and python3 -c 'print(__import__("my_module").MyClass.my_function.__doc__)')
  • We strongly encourage you to work together on test cases, so that you don't miss any edge case


There should be one project repository per group. If you clone/fork/whatever a project repository with the same name before the second deadline, you risk a 0% score.

More Info


Your shell should work like this in interactive mode:

$ ./console.py
(hbnb) help

Documented commands (type help <topic>):
EOF  help  quit

(hbnb) quit

But also in non-interactive mode: (like the Shell project in C)

$ echo "help" | ./console.py

Documented commands (type help <topic>):
EOF  help  quit
$ cat test_help
$ cat test_help | ./console.py

Documented commands (type help <topic>):
EOF  help  quit

All tests should also pass in non-interactive mode: $ echo "python3 -m unittest discover tests" | bash




  • Write a README.md:
    • description of the project
    • description of the command interpreter:
      • how to start it
      • how to use it
      • examples
  • You should have an AUTHORS file at the root of your repository, listing all individuals having contributed content to the repository. For format, reference Docker's AUTHORS page
  • You should use branches and pull requests on GitHub - it will help you as team to organize your work


  • GitHub repository: AirBnB_clone
  • File: README.md, AUTHORS

1. Be pycodestyle compliant!


Write beautiful code that passes the pycodestyle checks.


  • GitHub repository: AirBnB_clone

2. Unittests


All your files, classes, functions must be tested with unit tests

guillaume@ubuntu:~/AirBnB$ python3 -m unittest discover tests
Ran 189 tests in 13.135s


Note that this is just an example, the number of tests you create can be different from the above example.


Unit tests must also pass in non-interactive mode:

guillaume@ubuntu:~/AirBnB$ echo "python3 -m unittest discover tests" | bash
Ran 189 tests in 13.135s



  • GitHub repository: AirBnB_clone
  • File: tests/

3. BaseModel


Write a class BaseModel that defines all common attributes/methods for other classes:

  • models/base_model.py
  • Public instance attributes:
    • id: string - assign with an uuid when an instance is created:
      • you can use uuid.uuid4() to generate unique id but don't forget to convert to a string
      • the goal is to have unique id for each BaseModel
    • created_at: datetime - assign with the current datetime when an instance is created
    • updated_at: datetime - assign with the current datetime when an instance is created and it will be updated every time you change your object
  • __str__: should print: [<class name>] (<self.id>) <self.__dict__>
  • Public instance methods:
    • save(self): updates the public instance attribute updated_at with the current datetime
    • to_dict(self): returns a dictionary containing all keys/values of __dict__ of the instance:
      • by using self.__dict__, only instance attributes set will be returned
      • a key __class__ must be added to this dictionary with the class name of the object
      • created_at and updated_at must be converted to string object in ISO format:
        • format: %Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%S.%f (ex: 2017-06-14T22:31:03.285259)
        • you can use isoformat() of datetime object
      • This method will be the first piece of the serialization/deserialization process: create a dictionary representation with "simple object type" of our BaseModel
guillaume@ubuntu:~/AirBnB$ cat test_base_model.py
from models.base_model import BaseModel

my_model = BaseModel()
my_model.name = "My First Model"
my_model.my_number = 89
my_model_json = my_model.to_dict()
print("JSON of my_model:")
for key in my_model_json.keys():
    print("\t{}: ({}) - {}".format(key, type(my_model_json[key]), my_model_json[key]))

guillaume@ubuntu:~/AirBnB$ ./test_base_model.py
[BaseModel] (b6a6e15c-c67d-4312-9a75-9d084935e579) {'my_number': 89, 'name': 'My First Model', 'updated_at': datetime.datetime(2017, 9, 28, 21, 5, 54, 119434), 'id': 'b6a6e15c-c67d-4312-9a75-9d084935e579', 'created_at': datetime.datetime(2017, 9, 28, 21, 5, 54, 119427)}
[BaseModel] (b6a6e15c-c67d-4312-9a75-9d084935e579) {'my_number': 89, 'name': 'My First Model', 'updated_at': datetime.datetime(2017, 9, 28, 21, 5, 54, 119572), 'id': 'b6a6e15c-c67d-4312-9a75-9d084935e579', 'created_at': datetime.datetime(2017, 9, 28, 21, 5, 54, 119427)}
{'my_number': 89, 'name': 'My First Model', '__class__': 'BaseModel', 'updated_at': '2017-09-28T21:05:54.119572', 'id': 'b6a6e15c-c67d-4312-9a75-9d084935e579', 'created_at': '2017-09-28T21:05:54.119427'}
JSON of my_model:
    my_number: (<class 'int'>) - 89
    name: (<class 'str'>) - My First Model
    __class__: (<class 'str'>) - BaseModel
    updated_at: (<class 'str'>) - 2017-09-28T21:05:54.119572
    id: (<class 'str'>) - b6a6e15c-c67d-4312-9a75-9d084935e579
    created_at: (<class 'str'>) - 2017-09-28T21:05:54.119427



  • GitHub repository: AirBnB_clone
  • File: models/base_model.py, models/__init__.py, tests/

4. Create BaseModel from dictionary


Previously we created a method to generate a dictionary representation of an instance (method to_dict()).

Now it's time to re-create an instance with this dictionary representation.

<class 'BaseModel'> -> to_dict() -> <class 'dict'> -> <class 'BaseModel'>

Update models/base_model.py:

  • __init__(self, *args, **kwargs):
    • you will use *args, **kwargs arguments for the constructor of a BaseModel. (more information inside the AirBnB clone concept page)
    • *args won't be used
    • if kwargs is not empty:
      • each key of this dictionary is an attribute name (Note __class__ from kwargs is the only one that should not be added as an attribute. See the example output, below)
      • each value of this dictionary is the value of this attribute name
      • Warning: created_at and updated_at are strings in this dictionary, but inside your BaseModel instance is working with datetime object. You have to convert these strings into datetime object. Tip: you know the string format of these datetime
    • otherwise:
      • create id and created_at as you did previously (new instance)
guillaume@ubuntu:~/AirBnB$ cat test_base_model_dict.py
from models.base_model import BaseModel

my_model = BaseModel()
my_model.name = "My_First_Model"
my_model.my_number = 89
my_model_json = my_model.to_dict()
print("JSON of my_model:")
for key in my_model_json.keys():
    print("\t{}: ({}) - {}".format(key, type(my_model_json[key]), my_model_json[key]))

my_new_model = BaseModel(**my_model_json)

print(my_model is my_new_model)

guillaume@ubuntu:~/AirBnB$ ./test_base_model_dict.py
[BaseModel] (56d43177-cc5f-4d6c-a0c1-e167f8c27337) {'id': '56d43177-cc5f-4d6c-a0c1-e167f8c27337', 'created_at': datetime.datetime(2017, 9, 28, 21, 3, 54, 52298), 'my_number': 89, 'updated_at': datetime.datetime(2017, 9, 28, 21, 3, 54, 52302), 'name': 'My_First_Model'}
<class 'datetime.datetime'>
{'id': '56d43177-cc5f-4d6c-a0c1-e167f8c27337', 'created_at': '2017-09-28T21:03:54.052298', '__class__': 'BaseModel', 'my_number': 89, 'updated_at': '2017-09-28T21:03:54.052302', 'name': 'My_First_Model'}
JSON of my_model:
    id: (<class 'str'>) - 56d43177-cc5f-4d6c-a0c1-e167f8c27337
    created_at: (<class 'str'>) - 2017-09-28T21:03:54.052298
    __class__: (<class 'str'>) - BaseModel
    my_number: (<class 'int'>) - 89
    updated_at: (<class 'str'>) - 2017-09-28T21:03:54.052302
    name: (<class 'str'>) - My_First_Model
[BaseModel] (56d43177-cc5f-4d6c-a0c1-e167f8c27337) {'id': '56d43177-cc5f-4d6c-a0c1-e167f8c27337', 'created_at': datetime.datetime(2017, 9, 28, 21, 3, 54, 52298), 'my_number': 89, 'updated_at': datetime.datetime(2017, 9, 28, 21, 3, 54, 52302), 'name': 'My_First_Model'}
<class 'datetime.datetime'>


  • GitHub repository: AirBnB_clone
  • File: models/base_model.py, tests/

5. Store first object


Now we can recreate a BaseModel from another one by using a dictionary representation:

<class 'BaseModel'> -> to_dict() -> <class 'dict'> -> <class 'BaseModel'>

It's great but it's still not persistent: every time you launch the program, you don't restore all objects created before... The first way you will see here is to save these objects to a file.

Writing the dictionary representation to a file won't be relevant:

  • Python doesn't know how to convert a string to a dictionary (easily)
  • It's not human readable
  • Using this file with another program in Python or other language will be hard.

So, you will convert the dictionary representation to a JSON string. JSON is a standard representation of a data structure. With this format, humans can read and all programming languages have a JSON reader and writer.

Now the flow of serialization-deserialization will be:

<class 'BaseModel'> -> to_dict() -> <class 'dict'> -> JSON dump -> <class 'str'> -> FILE -> <class 'str'> -> JSON load -> <class 'dict'> -> <class 'BaseModel'>

Magic right?


  • simple Python data structure: Dictionaries, arrays, number and string. ex: { '12': { 'numbers': [1, 2, 3], 'name': "John" } }
  • JSON string representation: String representing a simple data structure in JSON format. ex: '{ "12": { "numbers": [1, 2, 3], "name": "John" } }'

Write a class FileStorage that serializes instances to a JSON file and deserializes JSON file to instances:

  • models/engine/file_storage.py
  • Private class attributes:
    • __file_path: string - path to the JSON file (ex: file.json)
    • __objects: dictionary - empty but will store all objects by <class name>.id (ex: to store a BaseModel object with id=12121212, the key will be BaseModel.12121212)
  • Public instance methods:
    • all(self): returns the dictionary __objects
    • new(self, obj): sets in __objects the obj with key <obj class name>.id
    • save(self): serializes __objects to the JSON file (path: __file_path)
    • reload(self): deserializes the JSON file to __objects (only if the JSON file (__file_path) exists ; otherwise, do nothing. If the file doesn't exist, no exception should be raised)

Update models/__init__.py: to create a unique FileStorage instance for your application

  • import file_storage.py
  • create the variable storage, an instance of FileStorage
  • call reload() method on this variable

Update models/base_model.py: to link your BaseModel to FileStorage by using the variable storage

  • import the variable storage
  • in the method save(self):
    • call save(self) method of storage
  • __init__(self, *args, **kwargs):
    • if it's a new instance (not from a dictionary representation), add a call to the method new(self) on storage
guillaume@ubuntu:~/AirBnB$ cat test_save_reload_base_model.py
from models import storage
from models.base_model import BaseModel

all_objs = storage.all()
print("-- Reloaded objects --")
for obj_id in all_objs.keys():
    obj = all_objs[obj_id]

print("-- Create a new object --")
my_model = BaseModel()
my_model.name = "My_First_Model"
my_model.my_number = 89

guillaume@ubuntu:~/AirBnB$ cat file.json
cat: file.json: No such file or directory
guillaume@ubuntu:~/AirBnB$ ./test_save_reload_base_model.py
-- Reloaded objects --
-- Create a new object --
[BaseModel] (ee49c413-023a-4b49-bd28-f2936c95460d) {'my_number': 89, 'updated_at': datetime.datetime(2017, 9, 28, 21, 7, 25, 47381), 'created_at': datetime.datetime(2017, 9, 28, 21, 7, 25, 47372), 'name': 'My_First_Model', 'id': 'ee49c413-023a-4b49-bd28-f2936c95460d'}
guillaume@ubuntu:~/AirBnB$ cat file.json ; echo ""
{"BaseModel.ee49c413-023a-4b49-bd28-f2936c95460d": {"my_number": 89, "__class__": "BaseModel", "updated_at": "2017-09-28T21:07:25.047381", "created_at": "2017-09-28T21:07:25.047372", "name": "My_First_Model", "id": "ee49c413-023a-4b49-bd28-f2936c95460d"}}
guillaume@ubuntu:~/AirBnB$ ./test_save_reload_base_model.py
-- Reloaded objects --
[BaseModel] (ee49c413-023a-4b49-bd28-f2936c95460d) {'name': 'My_First_Model', 'id': 'ee49c413-023a-4b49-bd28-f2936c95460d', 'updated_at': datetime.datetime(2017, 9, 28, 21, 7, 25, 47381), 'my_number': 89, 'created_at': datetime.datetime(2017, 9, 28, 21, 7, 25, 47372)}
-- Create a new object --
[BaseModel] (080cce84-c574-4230-b82a-9acb74ad5e8c) {'name': 'My_First_Model', 'id': '080cce84-c574-4230-b82a-9acb74ad5e8c', 'updated_at': datetime.datetime(2017, 9, 28, 21, 7, 51, 973308), 'my_number': 89, 'created_at': datetime.datetime(2017, 9, 28, 21, 7, 51, 973301)}
guillaume@ubuntu:~/AirBnB$ ./test_save_reload_base_model.py
-- Reloaded objects --
[BaseModel] (080cce84-c574-4230-b82a-9acb74ad5e8c) {'id': '080cce84-c574-4230-b82a-9acb74ad5e8c', 'updated_at': datetime.datetime(2017, 9, 28, 21, 7, 51, 973308), 'created_at': datetime.datetime(2017, 9, 28, 21, 7, 51, 973301), 'name': 'My_First_Model', 'my_number': 89}
[BaseModel] (ee49c413-023a-4b49-bd28-f2936c95460d) {'id': 'ee49c413-023a-4b49-bd28-f2936c95460d', 'updated_at': datetime.datetime(2017, 9, 28, 21, 7, 25, 47381), 'created_at': datetime.datetime(2017, 9, 28, 21, 7, 25, 47372), 'name': 'My_First_Model', 'my_number': 89}
-- Create a new object --
[BaseModel] (e79e744a-55d4-45a3-b74a-ca5fae74e0e2) {'id': 'e79e744a-55d4-45a3-b74a-ca5fae74e0e2', 'updated_at': datetime.datetime(2017, 9, 28, 21, 8, 6, 151750), 'created_at': datetime.datetime(2017, 9, 28, 21, 8, 6, 151711), 'name': 'My_First_Model', 'my_number': 89}
guillaume@ubuntu:~/AirBnB$ cat file.json ; echo ""
{"BaseModel.e79e744a-55d4-45a3-b74a-ca5fae74e0e2": {"__class__": "BaseModel", "id": "e79e744a-55d4-45a3-b74a-ca5fae74e0e2", "updated_at": "2017-09-28T21:08:06.151750", "created_at": "2017-09-28T21:08:06.151711", "name": "My_First_Model", "my_number": 89}, "BaseModel.080cce84-c574-4230-b82a-9acb74ad5e8c": {"__class__": "BaseModel", "id": "080cce84-c574-4230-b82a-9acb74ad5e8c", "updated_at": "2017-09-28T21:07:51.973308", "created_at": "2017-09-28T21:07:51.973301", "name": "My_First_Model", "my_number": 89}, "BaseModel.ee49c413-023a-4b49-bd28-f2936c95460d": {"__class__": "BaseModel", "id": "ee49c413-023a-4b49-bd28-f2936c95460d", "updated_at": "2017-09-28T21:07:25.047381", "created_at": "2017-09-28T21:07:25.047372", "name": "My_First_Model", "my_number": 89}}


  • GitHub repository: AirBnB_clone
  • File: models/engine/file_storage.py, models/engine/__init__.py, models/__init__.py, models/base_model.py, tests/

6. Console 0.0.1


Write a program called console.py that contains the entry point of the command interpreter:

  • You must use the module cmd
  • Your class definition must be: class HBNBCommand(cmd.Cmd):
  • Your command interpreter should implement:
    • quit and EOF to exit the program
    • help (this action is provided by default by cmd but you should keep it updated and documented as you work through tasks)
    • a custom prompt: (hbnb)
    • an empty line + ENTER shouldn't execute anything
  • Your code should not be executed when imported


You should end your file with:

if __name__ == '__main__':

to make your program executable except when imported. Please don't add anything around - the Checker won't like it otherwise

guillaume@ubuntu:~/AirBnB$ ./console.py
(hbnb) help

Documented commands (type help <topic>):
EOF  help  quit

(hbnb) help quit
Quit command to exit the program

(hbnb) quit

No unittests needed


  • GitHub repository: AirBnB_clone
  • File: console.py

7. Console 0.1


Update your command interpreter (console.py) to have these commands:

  • create: Creates a new instance of BaseModel, saves it (to the JSON file) and prints the id. Ex: $ create BaseModel
    • If the class name is missing, print ** class name missing ** (ex: $ create)
    • If the class name doesn't exist, print ** class doesn't exist ** (ex: $ create MyModel)
  • show: Prints the string representation of an instance based on the class name and id. Ex: $ show BaseModel 1234-1234-1234.
    • If the class name is missing, print ** class name missing ** (ex: $ show)
    • If the class name doesn't exist, print ** class doesn't exist ** (ex: $ show MyModel)
    • If the id is missing, print ** instance id missing ** (ex: $ show BaseModel)
    • If the instance of the class name doesn't exist for the id, print ** no instance found ** (ex: $ show BaseModel 121212)
  • destroy: Deletes an instance based on the class name and id (save the change into the JSON file). Ex: $ destroy BaseModel 1234-1234-1234.
    • If the class name is missing, print ** class name missing ** (ex: $ destroy)
    • If the class name doesn't exist, print ** class doesn't exist ** (ex:$ destroy MyModel)
    • If the id is missing, print ** instance id missing ** (ex: $ destroy BaseModel)
    • If the instance of the class name doesn't exist for the id, print ** no instance found ** (ex: $ destroy BaseModel 121212)
  • all: Prints all string representation of all instances based or not on the class name. Ex: $ all BaseModel or $ all.
    • The printed result must be a list of strings (like the example below)
    • If the class name doesn't exist, print ** class doesn't exist ** (ex: $ all MyModel)
  • update: Updates an instance based on the class name and id by adding or updating attribute (save the change into the JSON file). Ex: $ update BaseModel 1234-1234-1234 email "aibnb@mail.com".
    • Usage: update <class name> <id> <attribute name> "<attribute value>"
    • Only one attribute can be updated at the time
    • You can assume the attribute name is valid (exists for this model)
    • The attribute value must be casted to the attribute type
    • If the class name is missing, print ** class name missing ** (ex: $ update)
    • If the class name doesn't exist, print ** class doesn't exist ** (ex: $ update MyModel)
    • If the id is missing, print ** instance id missing ** (ex: $ update BaseModel)
    • If the instance of the class name doesn't exist for the id, print ** no instance found ** (ex: $ update BaseModel 121212)
    • If the attribute name is missing, print ** attribute name missing ** (ex: $ update BaseModel existing-id)
    • If the value for the attribute name doesn't exist, print ** value missing ** (ex: $ update BaseModel existing-id first_name)
    • All other arguments should not be used (Ex: $ update BaseModel 1234-1234-1234 email "aibnb@mail.com" first_name "Betty" = $ update BaseModel 1234-1234-1234 email "aibnb@mail.com")
    • id, created_at and updated_at cant' be updated. You can assume they won't be passed in the update command
    • Only "simple" arguments can be updated: string, integer and float. You can assume nobody will try to update list of ids or datetime

Let's add some rules:

  • You can assume arguments are always in the right order
  • Each arguments are separated by a space
  • A string argument with a space must be between double quote
  • The error management starts from the first argument to the last one
guillaume@ubuntu:~/AirBnB$ ./console.py
(hbnb) all MyModel
** class doesn't exist **
(hbnb) show BaseModel
** instance id missing **
(hbnb) show BaseModel My_First_Model
** no instance found **
(hbnb) create BaseModel
(hbnb) all BaseModel
["[BaseModel] (49faff9a-6318-451f-87b6-910505c55907) {'created_at': datetime.datetime(2017, 10, 2, 3, 10, 25, 903293), 'id': '49faff9a-6318-451f-87b6-910505c55907', 'updated_at': datetime.datetime(2017, 10, 2, 3, 10, 25, 903300)}"]
(hbnb) show BaseModel 49faff9a-6318-451f-87b6-910505c55907
[BaseModel] (49faff9a-6318-451f-87b6-910505c55907) {'created_at': datetime.datetime(2017, 10, 2, 3, 10, 25, 903293), 'id': '49faff9a-6318-451f-87b6-910505c55907', 'updated_at': datetime.datetime(2017, 10, 2, 3, 10, 25, 903300)}
(hbnb) destroy
** class name missing **
(hbnb) update BaseModel 49faff9a-6318-451f-87b6-910505c55907 first_name "Betty"
(hbnb) show BaseModel 49faff9a-6318-451f-87b6-910505c55907
[BaseModel] (49faff9a-6318-451f-87b6-910505c55907) {'first_name': 'Betty', 'id': '49faff9a-6318-451f-87b6-910505c55907', 'created_at': datetime.datetime(2017, 10, 2, 3, 10, 25, 903293), 'updated_at': datetime.datetime(2017, 10, 2, 3, 11, 3, 49401)}
(hbnb) create BaseModel
(hbnb) all BaseModel
["[BaseModel] (2dd6ef5c-467c-4f82-9521-a772ea7d84e9) {'id': '2dd6ef5c-467c-4f82-9521-a772ea7d84e9', 'created_at': datetime.datetime(2017, 10, 2, 3, 11, 23, 639717), 'updated_at': datetime.datetime(2017, 10, 2, 3, 11, 23, 639724)}", "[BaseModel] (49faff9a-6318-451f-87b6-910505c55907) {'first_name': 'Betty', 'id': '49faff9a-6318-451f-87b6-910505c55907', 'created_at': datetime.datetime(2017, 10, 2, 3, 10, 25, 903293), 'updated_at': datetime.datetime(2017, 10, 2, 3, 11, 3, 49401)}"]
(hbnb) destroy BaseModel 49faff9a-6318-451f-87b6-910505c55907
(hbnb) show BaseModel 49faff9a-6318-451f-87b6-910505c55907
** no instance found **

No unittests needed


  • GitHub repository: AirBnB_clone
  • File: console.py

8. First User


Write a class User that inherits from BaseModel:

  • models/user.py
  • Public class attributes:
    • email: string - empty string
    • password: string - empty string
    • first_name: string - empty string
    • last_name: string - empty string

Update FileStorage to manage correctly serialization and deserialization of User.

Update your command interpreter (console.py) to allow show, create, destroy, update and all used with User.

guillaume@ubuntu:~/AirBnB$ cat test_save_reload_user.py
from models import storage
from models.base_model import BaseModel
from models.user import User

all_objs = storage.all()
print("-- Reloaded objects --")
for obj_id in all_objs.keys():
    obj = all_objs[obj_id]

print("-- Create a new User --")
my_user = User()
my_user.first_name = "Betty"
my_user.last_name = "Bar"
my_user.email = "airbnb@mail.com"
my_user.password = "root"

print("-- Create a new User 2 --")
my_user2 = User()
my_user2.first_name = "John"
my_user2.email = "airbnb2@mail.com"
my_user2.password = "root"

guillaume@ubuntu:~/AirBnB$ cat file.json ; echo ""
{"BaseModel.2bf3ebfd-a220-49ee-9ae6-b01c75f6f6a4": {"__class__": "BaseModel", "id": "2bf3ebfd-a220-49ee-9ae6-b01c75f6f6a4", "updated_at": "2017-09-28T21:11:14.333862", "created_at": "2017-09-28T21:11:14.333852"}, "BaseModel.a42ee380-c959-450e-ad29-c840a898cfce": {"__class__": "BaseModel", "id": "a42ee380-c959-450e-ad29-c840a898cfce", "updated_at": "2017-09-28T21:11:15.504296", "created_at": "2017-09-28T21:11:15.504287"}, "BaseModel.af9b4cbd-2ce1-4e6e-8259-f578097dd15f": {"__class__": "BaseModel", "id": "af9b4cbd-2ce1-4e6e-8259-f578097dd15f", "updated_at": "2017-09-28T21:11:12.971544", "created_at": "2017-09-28T21:11:12.971521"}, "BaseModel.38a22b25-ae9c-4fa9-9f94-59b3eb51bfba": {"__class__": "BaseModel", "id": "38a22b25-ae9c-4fa9-9f94-59b3eb51bfba", "updated_at": "2017-09-28T21:11:13.753347", "created_at": "2017-09-28T21:11:13.753337"}, "BaseModel.9bf17966-b092-4996-bd33-26a5353cccb4": {"__class__": "BaseModel", "id": "9bf17966-b092-4996-bd33-26a5353cccb4", "updated_at": "2017-09-28T21:11:14.963058", "created_at": "2017-09-28T21:11:14.963049"}}
guillaume@ubuntu:~/AirBnB$ ./test_save_reload_user.py
-- Reloaded objects --
[BaseModel] (38a22b25-ae9c-4fa9-9f94-59b3eb51bfba) {'id': '38a22b25-ae9c-4fa9-9f94-59b3eb51bfba', 'created_at': datetime.datetime(2017, 9, 28, 21, 11, 13, 753337), 'updated_at': datetime.datetime(2017, 9, 28, 21, 11, 13, 753347)}
[BaseModel] (9bf17966-b092-4996-bd33-26a5353cccb4) {'id': '9bf17966-b092-4996-bd33-26a5353cccb4', 'created_at': datetime.datetime(2017, 9, 28, 21, 11, 14, 963049), 'updated_at': datetime.datetime(2017, 9, 28, 21, 11, 14, 963058)}
[BaseModel] (2bf3ebfd-a220-49ee-9ae6-b01c75f6f6a4) {'id': '2bf3ebfd-a220-49ee-9ae6-b01c75f6f6a4', 'created_at': datetime.datetime(2017, 9, 28, 21, 11, 14, 333852), 'updated_at': datetime.datetime(2017, 9, 28, 21, 11, 14, 333862)}
[BaseModel] (a42ee380-c959-450e-ad29-c840a898cfce) {'id': 'a42ee380-c959-450e-ad29-c840a898cfce', 'created_at': datetime.datetime(2017, 9, 28, 21, 11, 15, 504287), 'updated_at': datetime.datetime(2017, 9, 28, 21, 11, 15, 504296)}
[BaseModel] (af9b4cbd-2ce1-4e6e-8259-f578097dd15f) {'id': 'af9b4cbd-2ce1-4e6e-8259-f578097dd15f', 'created_at': datetime.datetime(2017, 9, 28, 21, 11, 12, 971521), 'updated_at': datetime.datetime(2017, 9, 28, 21, 11, 12, 971544)}
-- Create a new User --
[User] (38f22813-2753-4d42-b37c-57a17f1e4f88) {'id': '38f22813-2753-4d42-b37c-57a17f1e4f88', 'created_at': datetime.datetime(2017, 9, 28, 21, 11, 42, 848279), 'updated_at': datetime.datetime(2017, 9, 28, 21, 11, 42, 848291), 'email': 'airbnb@mail.com', 'first_name': 'Betty', 'last_name': 'Bar', 'password': 'root'}
-- Create a new User 2 --
[User] (d0ef8146-4664-4de5-8e89-096d667b728e) {'id': 'd0ef8146-4664-4de5-8e89-096d667b728e', 'created_at': datetime.datetime(2017, 9, 28, 21, 11, 42, 848280), 'updated_at': datetime.datetime(2017, 9, 28, 21, 11, 42, 848294), 'email': 'airbnb2@mail.com', 'first_name': 'John', 'password': 'root'}
guillaume@ubuntu:~/AirBnB$ cat file.json ; echo ""
{"BaseModel.af9b4cbd-2ce1-4e6e-8259-f578097dd15f": {"id": "af9b4cbd-2ce1-4e6e-8259-f578097dd15f", "updated_at": "2017-09-28T21:11:12.971544", "created_at": "2017-09-28T21:11:12.971521", "__class__": "BaseModel"}, "BaseModel.38a22b25-ae9c-4fa9-9f94-59b3eb51bfba": {"id": "38a22b25-ae9c-4fa9-9f94-59b3eb51bfba", "updated_at": "2017-09-28T21:11:13.753347", "created_at": "2017-09-28T21:11:13.753337", "__class__": "BaseModel"}, "BaseModel.9bf17966-b092-4996-bd33-26a5353cccb4": {"id": "9bf17966-b092-4996-bd33-26a5353cccb4", "updated_at": "2017-09-28T21:11:14.963058", "created_at": "2017-09-28T21:11:14.963049", "__class__": "BaseModel"}, "BaseModel.2bf3ebfd-a220-49ee-9ae6-b01c75f6f6a4": {"id": "2bf3ebfd-a220-49ee-9ae6-b01c75f6f6a4", "updated_at": "2017-09-28T21:11:14.333862", "created_at": "2017-09-28T21:11:14.333852", "__class__": "BaseModel"}, "BaseModel.a42ee380-c959-450e-ad29-c840a898cfce": {"id": "a42ee380-c959-450e-ad29-c840a898cfce", "updated_at": "2017-09-28T21:11:15.504296", "created_at": "2017-09-28T21:11:15.504287", "__class__": "BaseModel"}, "User.38f22813-2753-4d42-b37c-57a17f1e4f88": {"id": "38f22813-2753-4d42-b37c-57a17f1e4f88", "created_at": "2017-09-28T21:11:42.848279", "updated_at": "2017-09-28T21:11:42.848291", "email": "airbnb@mail.com", "first_name": "Betty", "__class__": "User", "last_name": "Bar", "password": "root"}, "User.d0ef8146-4664-4de5-8e89-096d667b728e": {"id": "d0ef8146-4664-4de5-8e89-096d667b728e", "created_at": "2017-09-28T21:11:42.848280", "updated_at": "2017-09-28T21:11:42.848294", "email": "airbnb_2@mail.com", "first_name": "John", "__class__": "User", "password": "root"}}
guillaume@ubuntu:~/AirBnB$ ./test_save_reload_user.py
-- Reloaded objects --
[BaseModel] (af9b4cbd-2ce1-4e6e-8259-f578097dd15f) {'updated_at': datetime.datetime(2017, 9, 28, 21, 11, 12, 971544), 'id': 'af9b4cbd-2ce1-4e6e-8259-f578097dd15f', 'created_at': datetime.datetime(2017, 9, 28, 21, 11, 12, 971521)}
[BaseModel] (2bf3ebfd-a220-49ee-9ae6-b01c75f6f6a4) {'updated_at': datetime.datetime(2017, 9, 28, 21, 11, 14, 333862), 'id': '2bf3ebfd-a220-49ee-9ae6-b01c75f6f6a4', 'created_at': datetime.datetime(2017, 9, 28, 21, 11, 14, 333852)}
[BaseModel] (9bf17966-b092-4996-bd33-26a5353cccb4) {'updated_at': datetime.datetime(2017, 9, 28, 21, 11, 14, 963058), 'id': '9bf17966-b092-4996-bd33-26a5353cccb4', 'created_at': datetime.datetime(2017, 9, 28, 21, 11, 14, 963049)}
[BaseModel] (a42ee380-c959-450e-ad29-c840a898cfce) {'updated_at': datetime.datetime(2017, 9, 28, 21, 11, 15, 504296), 'id': 'a42ee380-c959-450e-ad29-c840a898cfce', 'created_at': datetime.datetime(2017, 9, 28, 21, 11, 15, 504287)}
[BaseModel] (38a22b25-ae9c-4fa9-9f94-59b3eb51bfba) {'updated_at': datetime.datetime(2017, 9, 28, 21, 11, 13, 753347), 'id': '38a22b25-ae9c-4fa9-9f94-59b3eb51bfba', 'created_at': datetime.datetime(2017, 9, 28, 21, 11, 13, 753337)}
[User] (38f22813-2753-4d42-b37c-57a17f1e4f88) {'password': '63a9f0ea7bb98050796b649e85481845', 'created_at': datetime.datetime(2017, 9, 28, 21, 11, 42, 848279), 'email': 'airbnb@mail.com', 'updated_at': datetime.datetime(2017, 9, 28, 21, 11, 42, 848291), 'last_name': 'Bar', 'id': '38f22813-2753-4d42-b37c-57a17f1e4f88', 'first_name': 'Betty'}
[User] (d0ef8146-4664-4de5-8e89-096d667b728e) {'password': '63a9f0ea7bb98050796b649e85481845', 'created_at': datetime.datetime(2017, 9, 28, 21, 11, 42, 848280), 'email': 'airbnb_2@mail.com', 'updated_at': datetime.datetime(2017, 9, 28, 21, 11, 42, 848294), 'id': 'd0ef8146-4664-4de5-8e89-096d667b728e', 'first_name': 'John'}
-- Create a new User --
[User] (246c227a-d5c1-403d-9bc7-6a47bb9f0f68) {'password': 'root', 'created_at': datetime.datetime(2017, 9, 28, 21, 12, 19, 611352), 'email': 'airbnb@mail.com', 'updated_at': datetime.datetime(2017, 9, 28, 21, 12, 19, 611363), 'last_name': 'Bar', 'id': '246c227a-d5c1-403d-9bc7-6a47bb9f0f68', 'first_name': 'Betty'}
-- Create a new User 2 --
[User] (fce12f8a-fdb6-439a-afe8-2881754de71c) {'password': 'root', 'created_at': datetime.datetime(2017, 9, 28, 21, 12, 19, 611354), 'email': 'airbnb_2@mail.com', 'updated_at': datetime.datetime(2017, 9, 28, 21, 12, 19, 611368), 'id': 'fce12f8a-fdb6-439a-afe8-2881754de71c', 'first_name': 'John'}
guillaume@ubuntu:~/AirBnB$ cat file.json ; echo ""
{"BaseModel.af9b4cbd-2ce1-4e6e-8259-f578097dd15f": {"updated_at": "2017-09-28T21:11:12.971544", "__class__": "BaseModel", "id": "af9b4cbd-2ce1-4e6e-8259-f578097dd15f", "created_at": "2017-09-28T21:11:12.971521"}, "User.38f22813-2753-4d42-b37c-57a17f1e4f88": {"password": "63a9f0ea7bb98050796b649e85481845", "created_at": "2017-09-28T21:11:42.848279", "email": "airbnb@mail.com", "id": "38f22813-2753-4d42-b37c-57a17f1e4f88", "last_name": "Bar", "updated_at": "2017-09-28T21:11:42.848291", "first_name": "Betty", "__class__": "User"}, "User.d0ef8146-4664-4de5-8e89-096d667b728e": {"password": "63a9f0ea7bb98050796b649e85481845", "created_at": "2017-09-28T21:11:42.848280", "email": "airbnb_2@mail.com", "id": "d0ef8146-4664-4de5-8e89-096d667b728e", "updated_at": "2017-09-28T21:11:42.848294", "first_name": "John", "__class__": "User"}, "BaseModel.9bf17966-b092-4996-bd33-26a5353cccb4": {"updated_at": "2017-09-28T21:11:14.963058", "__class__": "BaseModel", "id": "9bf17966-b092-4996-bd33-26a5353cccb4", "created_at": "2017-09-28T21:11:14.963049"}, "BaseModel.a42ee380-c959-450e-ad29-c840a898cfce": {"updated_at": "2017-09-28T21:11:15.504296", "__class__": "BaseModel", "id": "a42ee380-c959-450e-ad29-c840a898cfce", "created_at": "2017-09-28T21:11:15.504287"}, "BaseModel.38a22b25-ae9c-4fa9-9f94-59b3eb51bfba": {"updated_at": "2017-09-28T21:11:13.753347", "__class__": "BaseModel", "id": "38a22b25-ae9c-4fa9-9f94-59b3eb51bfba", "created_at": "2017-09-28T21:11:13.753337"}, "BaseModel.2bf3ebfd-a220-49ee-9ae6-b01c75f6f6a4": {"updated_at": "2017-09-28T21:11:14.333862", "__class__": "BaseModel", "id": "2bf3ebfd-a220-49ee-9ae6-b01c75f6f6a4", "created_at": "2017-09-28T21:11:14.333852"}, "User.246c227a-d5c1-403d-9bc7-6a47bb9f0f68": {"password": "root", "created_at": "2017-09-28T21:12:19.611352", "email": "airbnb@mail.com", "id": "246c227a-d5c1-403d-9bc7-6a47bb9f0f68", "last_name": "Bar", "updated_at": "2017-09-28T21:12:19.611363", "first_name": "Betty", "__class__": "User"}, "User.fce12f8a-fdb6-439a-afe8-2881754de71c": {"password": "root", "created_at": "2017-09-28T21:12:19.611354", "email": "airbnb_2@mail.com", "id": "fce12f8a-fdb6-439a-afe8-2881754de71c", "updated_at": "2017-09-28T21:12:19.611368", "first_name": "John", "__class__": "User"}}

No unittests needed for the console


  • GitHub repository: AirBnB_clone
  • File: models/user.py, models/engine/file_storage.py, console.py, tests/

9. More classes!


Write all those classes that inherit from BaseModel:

  • State (models/state.py):
    • Public class attributes:
      • name: string - empty string
  • City (models/city.py):
    • Public class attributes:
      • state_id: string - empty string: it will be the State.id
      • name: string - empty string
  • Amenity (models/amenity.py):
    • Public class attributes:
      • name: string - empty string
  • Place (models/place.py):
    • Public class attributes:
      • city_id: string - empty string: it will be the City.id
      • user_id: string - empty string: it will be the User.id
      • name: string - empty string
      • description: string - empty string
      • number_rooms: integer - 0
      • number_bathrooms: integer - 0
      • max_guest: integer - 0
      • price_by_night: integer - 0
      • latitude: float - 0.0
      • longitude: float - 0.0
      • amenity_ids: list of string - empty list: it will be the list of Amenity.id later
  • Review (models/review.py):
    • Public class attributes:
      • place_id: string - empty string: it will be the Place.id
      • user_id: string - empty string: it will be the User.id
      • text: string - empty string


  • GitHub repository: AirBnB_clone
  • File: models/state.py, models/city.py, models/amenity.py, models/place.py, models/review.py, tests/

10. Console 1.0


Update FileStorage to manage correctly serialization and deserialization of all our new classes: Place, State, City, Amenity and Review

Update your command interpreter (console.py) to allow those actions: show, create, destroy, update and all with all classes created previously.

Enjoy your first console!

No unittests needed for the console


  • GitHub repository: AirBnB_clone
  • File: console.py, models/engine/file_storage.py, tests/

0x01. AirBnB clone - Web static

  • By Guillaume
  • Weight: 1
  • Ongoing project - started 02-03-2022, must end by 02-08-2022 (in 3 days) - you're done with 0% of tasks.
  • Manual QA review must be done (request it when you are done with the project)


For this project, students are expected to look at these concepts:

Background Context

Web static, what?

Now that you have a command interpreter for managing your AirBnB objects, it's time to make them alive!

Before developing a big and complex web application, we will build the front end step-by-step.

The first step is to "design" / "sketch" / "prototype" each element:

  • Create simple HTML static pages
  • Style guide
  • Fake contents
  • No Javascript
  • No data loaded from anything

During this project, you will learn how to manipulate HTML and CSS languages. HTML is the structure of your page, it should be the first thing to write. CSS is the styling of your page, the design. I really encourage you to fix your HTML part before starting the styling. Indeed, without any structure, you can't apply any design.

Before starting, please fork or clone the repository AirBnB_clone from your partner if you were not the owner of the previous project.


Read or watch:

Learning Objectives

At the end of this project, you are expected to be able to explain to anyone, without the help of Google:


  • What is HTML
  • How to create an HTML page
  • What is a markup language
  • What is the DOM
  • What is an element / tag
  • What is an attribute
  • How does the browser load a webpage
  • What is CSS
  • How to add style to an element
  • What is a class
  • What is a selector
  • How to compute CSS Specificity Value
  • What are Box properties in CSS



  • Allowed editors: vi, vim, emacs
  • All your files should end with a new line
  • A README.md file, at the root of the folder of the project, is mandatory
  • Your code should be W3C compliant and validate with W3C-Validator
  • All your CSS files should be in styles folder
  • All your images should be in images folder
  • You are not allowed to use !important and id (#... in the CSS file)
  • You are not allowed to use tags img, embed and iframe
  • You are not allowed to use Javascript
  • Current screenshots have been done on Chrome 56 or more.
  • No cross browsers
  • You have to follow all requirements but some margin/padding are missing - you should try to fit as much as you can to screenshots

More Info

Quiz questions



0. Inline styling


Write an HTML page that displays a header and a footer.


  • Body:
    • no margin
    • no padding
  • Header:
    • color #FF0000 (red)
    • height: 70px
    • width: 100%
  • Footer:
    • color #00FF00 (green)
    • height: 60px
    • width: 100%
    • text Best School center vertically and horizontally
    • always at the bottom at the page


  • You must use the header and footer tags
  • You are not allowed to import any files
  • You are not allowed to use the style tag in the head tag
  • Use inline styling for all your tags


  • GitHub repository: AirBnB_clone
  • Directory: web_static
  • File: 0-index.html

1. Head styling


Write an HTML page that displays a header and a footer by using the style tag in the head tag (same as 0-index.html)


  • You must use the header and footer tags
  • You are not allowed to import any files
  • No inline styling
  • You must use the style tag in the head tag

The layout must be exactly the same as 0-index.html


  • GitHub repository: AirBnB_clone
  • Directory: web_static
  • File: 1-index.html

2. CSS files


Write an HTML page that displays a header and a footer by using CSS files (same as 1-index.html)


  • You must use the header and footer tags
  • No inline styling
  • You must have 3 CSS files:
    • styles/2-common.css: for global style (i.e. the body style)
    • styles/2-header.css: for header style
    • styles/2-footer.css: for footer style

The layout must be exactly the same as 1-index.html


  • GitHub repository: AirBnB_clone
  • Directory: web_static
  • File: 2-index.html, styles/2-common.css, styles/2-header.css, styles/2-footer.css

3. Zoning done!


Write an HTML page that displays a header and footer by using CSS files (same as 2-index.html)


  • Common:
    • no margin
    • no padding
    • font color: #484848
    • font size: 14px
    • font family: Circular,"Helvetica Neue",Helvetica,Arial,sans-serif;
    • icon in the browser tab
  • Header:
    • color: white
    • height: 70px
    • width: 100%
    • border bottom 1px #CCCCCC
    • logo align on left and center vertically (20px space at the left)
  • Footer:
    • color white
    • height: 60px
    • width: 100%
    • border top 1px #CCCCCC
    • text Best School center vertically and horizontally
    • always at the bottom at the page


  • No inline style
  • You are not allowed to use the img tag
  • You are not allowed to use the style tag in the head tag
  • All images must be stored in the images folder
  • You must have 3 CSS files:
    • styles/3-common.css: for the global style (i.e body style)
    • styles/3-header.css: for the header style
    • styles/3-footer.css: for the footer style


  • GitHub repository: AirBnB_clone
  • Directory: web_static
  • File: 3-index.html, styles/3-common.css, styles/3-header.css, styles/3-footer.css, images/

4. Search!


Write an HTML page that displays a header, footer and a filters box with a search button.

Layout: (based on 3-index.html)

  • Container:
    • between header and footer tags, add a div:
      • classname: container
      • max width 1000px
      • margin top and bottom 30px - it should be 30px under the bottom of the header (screenshot)
      • center horizontally
  • Filter section:
    • tag section
    • classname filters
    • inside the .container
    • color white
    • height: 70px
    • width: 100% of the container
    • border 1px #DDDDDD with radius 4px
  • Button search:
    • tag button
    • text Search
    • font size: 18px
    • inside the section filters
    • background color #FF5A5F
    • text color #FFFFFF
    • height: 48px
    • width: 20% of the section filters
    • no borders
    • border radius: 4px
    • center vertically and at 30px of the right border
    • change opacity to 90% when the mouse is on the button


  • You must use: header, footer, section, button tags
  • No inline style
  • You are not allowed to use the img tag
  • You are not allowed to use the style tag in the head tag
  • All images must be stored in the images folder
  • You must have 4 CSS files:
    • styles/4-common.css: for the global style (body and .container styles)
    • styles/3-header.css: for the header style
    • styles/3-footer.css: for the footer style
    • styles/4-filters.css: for the filters style
  • 4-index.html won't be W3C valid, don't worry, it's temporary


  • GitHub repository: AirBnB_clone
  • Directory: web_static
  • File: 4-index.html, styles/4-common.css, styles/3-header.css, styles/3-footer.css, styles/4-filters.css, images/

5. More filters


Write an HTML page that displays a header, footer and a filters box.

Layout: (based on 4-index.html)

  • Locations and Amenities filters:
    • tag: div
    • classname: locations for location tag and amenities for the other
    • inside the section filters (same level as the button Search)
    • height: 100% of the section filters
    • width: 25% of the section filters
    • border right #DDDDDD 1px only for the first left filter
    • contains a title:
      • tag: h3

      • font weight: 600

      • text States or Amenities

    • contains a subtitle:
      • tag: h4

      • font weight: 400

      • font size: 14px

      • text with fake contents


  • You must use: header, footer, section, button, h3, h4 tags
  • No inline style
  • You are not allowed to use the img tag
  • You are not allowed to use the style tag in the head tag
  • All images must be stored in the images folder
  • You must have 4 CSS files:
    • styles/4-common.css: for the global style (body and .container styles)
    • styles/3-header.css: for the header style
    • styles/3-footer.css: for the footer style
    • styles/5-filters.css: for the filters style


  • GitHub repository: AirBnB_clone
  • Directory: web_static
  • File: 5-index.html, styles/4-common.css, styles/3-header.css, styles/3-footer.css, styles/5-filters.css, images/

6. It's (h)over


Write an HTML page that displays a header, footer and a filters box with dropdown.

Layout: (based on 5-index.html)

  • Update Locations and Amenities filters to display a contextual dropdown when the mouse is on the filter div:
    • tag ul
    • classname popover
    • text should be fake now
    • inside each div
    • not displayed by default
    • color #FAFAFA
    • width same as the div filter
    • border #DDDDDD 1px with border radius 4px
    • no list display
    • Location filter has 2 levels of ul/li:
      • state -> cities
      • state name must be display in a h2 tag (font size 16px)


  • You must use: header, footer, section, button, h3, h4, ul, li tags
  • No inline style
  • You are not allowed to use the img tag
  • You are not allowed to use the style tag in the head tag
  • All images must be stored in the images folder
  • You must have 4 CSS files:
    • styles/4-common.css: for the global style (body and .container styles)
    • styles/3-header.css: for the header style
    • styles/3-footer.css: for the footer style
    • styles/6-filters.css: for the filters style


  • GitHub repository: AirBnB_clone
  • Directory: web_static
  • File: 6-index.html, styles/4-common.css, styles/3-header.css, styles/3-footer.css, styles/6-filters.css, images/

7. Display results


Write an HTML page that displays a header, footer, a filters box with dropdown and results.

Layout: (based on 6-index.html)

  • Add Places section:
    • tag: section
    • classname: places
    • same level as the filters section, inside .container
    • contains a title:
      • tag: h1
      • text: Places
      • align in the top left
      • font size: 30px
    • contains multiple "Places" as listing (horizontal or vertical) describe by:
      • tag: article
      • width: 390px
      • padding and margin 20px
      • border #FF5A5F 1px with radius 4px
      • contains the place name:
        • tag: h2
        • font size: 30px
        • center horizontally


  • You must use: header, footer, section, article, button, h1, h2, h3, h4, ul, li tags
  • No inline style
  • You are not allowed to use the img tag
  • You are not allowed to use the style tag in the head tag
  • All images must be stored in the images folder
  • You must have 5 CSS files:
    • styles/4-common.css: for the global style (i.e. body and .container styles)
    • styles/3-header.css: for the header style
    • styles/3-footer.css: for footer style
    • styles/6-filters.css: for the filters style
    • styles/7-places.css: for the places style


  • GitHub repository: AirBnB_clone
  • Directory: web_static
  • File: 7-index.html, styles/4-common.css, styles/3-header.css, styles/3-footer.css, styles/6-filters.css, styles/7-places.css, images/

8. More details


Write an HTML page that displays a header, a footer, a filter box (dropdown list) and the result of the search.

Layout: (based on 7-index.html)

Add more information to a Place article:

  • Price by night:
    • tag: div
    • classname: price_by_night
    • same level as the place name
    • font color: #FF5A5F
    • border: #FF5A5F 4px rounded
    • min width: 60px
    • height: 60px
    • font size: 30px
    • align: the top right (with space)
  • Information section:
    • tag: div
    • classname: information
    • height: 80px
    • border: top and bottom #DDDDDD 1px
    • contains (align vertically):
      • Number of guests:
        • tag: div
        • classname: max_guest
        • width: 100px
        • fake text
        • icon
      • Number of bedrooms:
        • tag: div
        • classname: number_rooms
        • width: 100px
        • fake text
        • icon
      • Number of bathrooms:
        • tag: div
        • classname: number_bathrooms
        • width: 100px
        • fake text
        • icon
  • User section:
    • tag: div
    • classname: user
    • text Owner: <fake text>
    • Owner text should be in bold
  • Description section:
    • tag: div
    • classname: description


  • You must use: header, footer, section, article, button, h1, h2, h3, h4, ul, li tags
  • No inline style
  • You are not allowed to use the img tag
  • You are not allowed to use the style tag in the head tag
  • All images must be stored in the images folder
  • You must have 5 CSS files:
    • styles/4-common.css: for the global style (i.e. body and .container styles)
    • styles/3-header.css: for the header style
    • styles/3-footer.css: for the footer style
    • styles/6-filters.css: for the filters style
    • styles/8-places.css: for the places style


  • GitHub repository: AirBnB_clone
  • Directory: web_static
  • File: 8-index.html, styles/4-common.css, styles/3-header.css, styles/3-footer.css, styles/6-filters.css, styles/8-places.css, images/

9. Full details


Write an HTML page that displays a header, footer, a filters box with dropdown and results.

Layout: (based on 8-index.html)

Add more information to a Place article:

  • List of Amenities:
    • tag div
    • classname amenities
    • margin top 40px
    • contains:
      • title:
        • tag h2
        • text Amenities
        • font size 16px
        • border bottom #DDDDDD 1px
      • list of amenities:
        • tag ul / li
        • no list style
        • icons on the left: Pet friendly, TV, Wifi, etc... feel free to add more
  • List of Reviews:
    • tag div
    • classname reviews
    • margin top 40px
    • contains:
      • title:
        • tag h2
        • text Reviews
        • font size 16px
        • border bottom #DDDDDD 1px
      • list of review:
        • tag ul / li
        • no list style
        • a review is described by:
          • h3 tag for the user/date description (font size 14px). Ex: "From Bob Dylan the 27th January 2017"
          • p tag for the text (font size 12px)


  • You must use: header, footer, section, article, button, h1, h2, h3, h4, ul, li tags
  • No inline style
  • You are not allowed to use the img tag
  • You are not allowed to use the style tag in the head tag
  • All images must be stored in the images folder
  • You must have 5 CSS files:
    • styles/4-common.css: for the global style (body and .container styles)
    • styles/3-header.css: for the header style
    • styles/3-footer.css: for the footer style
    • styles/6-filters.css: for the filters style
    • styles/100-places.css: for the places style


  • GitHub repository: AirBnB_clone
  • Directory: web_static
  • File: 100-index.html, styles/4-common.css, styles/3-header.css, styles/3-footer.css, styles/6-filters.css, styles/100-places.css, images/

10. Flex


Improve the Places section by using Flexible boxes for all Place articles

Flexbox Froggy


  • GitHub repository: AirBnB_clone
  • Directory: web_static
  • File: 101-index.html, styles/4-common.css, styles/3-header.css, styles/3-footer.css, styles/6-filters.css, styles/101-places.css, images/

11. Responsive design


Improve the page by adding responsive design to display correctly in mobile or small screens.


  • no horizontal scrolling
  • redesign search bar depending of the width
  • etc.


  • GitHub repository: AirBnB_clone
  • Directory: web_static
  • File: 102-index.html, styles/102-common.css, styles/102-header.css, styles/102-footer.css, styles/102-filters.css, styles/102-places.css, images/

12. Accessibility


Improve the page by adding Accessibility support


  • Colors contrast
  • Header tags
  • etc.


  • GitHub repository: AirBnB_clone
  • Directory: web_static
  • File: 103-index.html, styles/103-common.css, styles/103-header.css, styles/103-footer.css, styles/103-filters.css, styles/103-places.css, images/