Oh-My-Bash Custom

This repository contains my oh-my-bash custom directory.

To use these items, you can either clone this repository over the ~/.oh-my-bash/custom directory, or clone this to any writable location, and then set the OSH_CUSTOM variable in your ~/.bashrc.

To enable the items in this custom repository, add the items to the ~/.bashrc as you would any of the oh-my-bash extensions.

Available Extensions


These custom/libs are mainly to correct problems in the upstream oh-my-bash until the upstream accepts the updates.

bourne-shell.sh : Correct setting "alert" alias if notify-send does not exist

directories.sh : Remove all directories aliases, as some are only usable in zsh (e.g. cd -<#>).

misc.sh : remove _ and please as aliases to sudo. Add check for ack.

shopt.sh : Add ENABLE_CORRECTION variable to work as listed in templates/bashrc.osh-template.

theme-and-appearance.sh : Add rewrite of oh-my-zsh's LS_COLOR logic, and allow user to set DISABLE_LS_COLOR=true to disable colors.