Image of selected models



Notebook for convergence models. The model can be run online through the binder link or downloaded and used within a UWGeodynamics docker container.


File Purpose
CT25-1.ipynb Notebook to recreate CT25-1. Can be modified to recreate any case presented in the manuscript.
Fig-9.pdf Model at final TS for selected cases.


Please specify how your repository is tested for correctness. Tests are not required for laboratory tagged repositories, although still encouraged. All other repositories must include a test.

Parallel Safe

Please specify if your model will operate in parallel, and any caveats.

Yes, test result should be obtained in both serial and parallel operation.


  • [Y] (Required) Have you replaced the above sections with your own content?
  • [Y] (Required) Have you updated the Dockerfile to point to your required UW/UWG version?
  • [Y] (Required) Have you included a working Binder badge/link so people can easily run your model? You probably only need to replace template-project with your repo name.
  • [Y] (Optional) Have you included an appropriate image for your model?