Meta-Flux framework for real world.
$ npm install arda --save
Today's Flux is weak at scene transitions. Arda make it simple by router
and context
(chunk of flux).
Context has Flux features and its stack is very simple.
- Dispatcher is just EventEmitter
- View is just React.Component (with mixin)
- Store should be covered by typesafe steps with promise
I need to develop to make my company's react project simple. Arda is started from extraction of my works and well dogfooded. Thx Increments Inc.
- Transition with Promise
- Loose coupling and testable
- TypeScript, CoffeeScript, and ES6 friendly
- Protect mutable state and make it atomic.
Context, it extends way of react, is just one flux loop and has data flow, Props => State => ComponentProps
simple example by coffeescript is below.
window.React = require 'react'
window.Promise = require 'bluebird'
Arda = require 'arda'
# extends Arda.Component or mixin `Arda.mixin` in React.createClass
class Clicker extends Arda.Component
render: -> React.createElement 'button', {onClick: @onClick.bind(@)}, @props.cnt
onClick: -> @dispatch 'clicker:++'
class ClickerContext extends Arda.Context
component: Clicker
initState: (props) -> cnt: 0
expandComponentProps: (props, state) -> cnt: state.cnt
delegate: (subscribe) ->
# subscribe lifecycle event. See detail later of this README
subscribe 'context:created', -> console.log 'created'
# subscribe ui events
subscribe 'clicker:++', =>
# state is changed by only context.update(...)
@update((s) => cnt: s.cnt+1)
.then -> console.log 'updated!'
window.addEventListener 'DOMContentLoaded', ->
router = new Arda.Router(Arda.DefaultLayout, document.body)
router.pushContext(ClickerContext, {})
Arda.Router has pushContext
, popContext
and replaceContext
and return promise object.
router = new Arda.Router(Arda.DefaultLayout, document.body)
router.pushContext(MainContext, {}) # Main
.then => router.pushContext(SubContext, {}) # Main, Sub
.then => router.pushContext(MainContext, {}) # Main, Sub, Main
.then => router.popContext() # Main, Sub
.then => router.replaceContext(MainContext, {}) # Main, Main
.then => console.log router.history
and replsceContext
's second argument is to be context.props as immutable object.
subscriber = (context, subscribe) ->
subscribe 'context:created', -> console.log 'created'
subscribe 'context:started', -> console.log 'started'
subscribe 'context:paused', -> console.log 'paused'
subscribe 'context:resumed', -> console.log 'resumed'
subscribe 'context:disposed', -> console.log 'disposed'
class MyContext extends Arda.Context
component: MyComponent
subscribers: [subscriber]
static subscribers
is automatic delegator on instantiate.
To achive purpose to make mutable state typesafe, Arda with TypeScript is better than other AltJS.
interface Props {firstName: string; lastName: string;}
interface State {age: number;}
interface ComponentProps {greeting: string;}
class MyContext extends Arda.Context<Props, State, ComponentProps> {
get component() {
return React.createClass({
mixins: [Arda.mixin],
render: function(){return React.createElement('h1', {}, this.props.greeting);}
// Can use promise (State | Promise<State>)
return new Promise<State>(done => {
setTimeout(done({age:10}), 1000)
expandComponentProps(props, state) {
// Can use promise (ComponentProps | Promise<ComponentProps>)
return {greeting: 'Hello, '+props.firstName+', '+state.age+' years old'}
var router = new Arda.Router(Arda.DefaultLayout, document.body);
// Unfortunately, initial props by router are not validated yet
// If you want, you can create your original router wrapper
router.pushContext(MyContext, {firstName: 'Jonh', lastName: 'Doe'})
.then(context => {
setInterval(() => {
context.state(state => {age: state.age+1}) // this is validated
}, 1000 * 60 * 60 * 24 * 360) // fire once by each year haha:)
See typescript working example
Or see mizchi's starter projectmizchi-sandbox/arda-starter-project
- React v0.13.0 >=
- Promise (I recommend
See detail at arda.d.ts