
Oscillating Markov text generator

Primary LanguageRubyMIT LicenseMIT


Build Status

Generate text using depth-modulated, sequentially weighted multi-character selections. Expect bugs.


$ gem install charosc


Usage: charosc [options] <textfile>
         --length, -l <i>:   Output length in characters (default: 5000)
          --depth, -d <i>:   Sequence depth (default: 3)
        --mod-enabled, -m:   Enable modulation
        --mod-top, -o <i>:   Highest value in modulation range (default: 500)
     --mod-bottom, -b <i>:   Lowest value in modulation range (default: 2)
  --mod-increment, -i <i>:   Modulator per-step increment (default: 1)
    --output-file, -u <s>:   Output file
            --version, -v:   Print version and exit
               --help, -h:   Show this message
text = File.read("/path/to/text")

generator = Charosc::Generator.new(
  text,        # Input string
  top:    300, # Top of modulation range
  bottom: 10,  # Bottom of modulation range
  inc:    0.5  # Increment amount per #next call on modulator (Oscillator)

generator.generate(1000) #=> Returns a 1000-char string


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