
Remote-core simulator releases

Primary LanguageHTML

Remote Two Core Simulator

The remote-core simulator is a developer tool to simplify developing integration drivers for the Remote Two.

It simulates the functionality of the core services running on the embedded device and provides the same Core-APIs as a real device. The majority of the API functionality is identical (using the same code base) with most of the hardware functions simulated.

The remote-core simulator is available as a Docker image and as a ready-made Linux VM.

Please note that this is a preview version and work-in-progress!

We will release more documentation and code examples on how to develop for the Remote Two.
The web-configurator and remote-ui projects will be released as open-source projects once we ship the devices.

Additional resources:

More information and contact links are on our main GitHub page.


API specification files in OpenAPI & AsyncAPI YAML format:

The rendered html files are available from the built-in core-simulator webserver: http://localhost:8080/doc

Please see our Core APIs repository for more information.

⚠️ The Core-API definitions in this core-simulator repository will soon be migrated to the dedicated API repository.

Docker Compose Demo Setup

See docker directory for an all-in-one simulation setup using Docker Compose.

Linux VM for Core-Simulator

See linux-vm for a prepared Linux virtual machine containing the full remote-core simulator setup including a preview of the Qt based remote-ui application.


User Accounts

The remote-core simulator has the following predefined administrator accounts:


Either use Basic Authentication for each request (when doing single tests or using OpenAPI), or use the /api/pub/login endpoint for a session login with cookie.

ℹ️ Note: user account management will be added in a future release.

User accounts

Web-configurator account (with admin rights):

  • user: web-configurator
  • password: 1234

The web-configurator account can be enabled & disabled in the remote-ui application. It also allows to create a new pin.

Administrator account:

  • user: admin
  • password: remote2
API key

API keys can be generated with the /api/auth/api_keys endpoint and can be used for the REST and WebSocket APIs.

Use Bearer Token authorization with an API key.

WebSocket API

The WebSocket API uses token based authentication sent in the header:

  • header: API-KEY

Alternatively, the session cookie can be used from the REST login.

Simple html test console: http://localhost:8080/ws.html


The API specifications and documentations are published under the CC-BY-AS-4.0 (Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International) license.
Please see LICENSE file in core-api repository.

All code examples in this repository are licensed under the Apache License 2.0.

Remote-core simulator and all graphics copyright © Unfolded Circle ApS 2022-2023.

The remote-core simulator is provided for development use only. It is prohibited to use the remote-core simulator application as part of other products, services and like.

See 3rd party license information about used 3rd party libraries and technologies in our applications.