
the Astro powered landing page builder

Primary LanguageAstroOtherNOASSERTION

StarFunnel | Astro + Static CMS

License: CC BY-ND 4.0

Clone this repo or deploy to netlify

Easily deploy this theme to Netlify or Vercel.

1. Setting up the .env file

rename the env.txt to .env and fill in your details







Also add this to your netlify deploy settings.

2. Configure your Static CMS Backend

Navigate to src/pages/admin.astro and provide your Git repository details. You can find a list of all supported Git backends at: https://www.staticcms.org/docs/backends-overview

Gitlab Example:

const config = {
	locale: lang,
	site_url: url,
	logo_url: 'https://starfunnel.unfolding.io/logo.svg',
	local_backend: true,
	backend: {
		name: 'gitlab',
		repo: '/<your-gitlab-repo>',
		auth_type: 'pkce', // Required for pkce
		app_id: 'xxxx', // Application ID from your GitLab settings
		commit_messages: {
			create: 'Create {{collection}} "{{slug}}"',
			update: 'Update {{collection}} "{{slug}}"',
			delete: 'Delete {{collection}} "{{slug}}"',
			uploadMedia: 'Upload "{{path}}"',
			deleteMedia: 'Delete "{{path}}"'
	search: 'true',

3. Add your site to the astro config and set your adapter (vercel or netlify)

export default defineConfig({
	site: 'https://your-website.com',
	output: "hybrid",
  	adapter: vercel(), // vercel() or netlify()


4. Install dependencies

npm install

🛠️ 5. Start Development server

npm run dev

If you wish to engage the local backend:

npm run cms-proxy-server

Now you can open Static CMS on http://localhost:4321/admin/

🛸 Commands

All commands are run from the root of the project, from a terminal:

Command Action
npm install Installs dependencies
npm run dev Starts local dev server at localhost:4321
npm run cms-proxy-server Starts Staticcms proxy server for local-backend
npm run build Build your production site to ./dist/
npm run preview Preview your build locally, before deploying
npm run astro ... Run CLI commands like astro add, astro check
npm run astro -- --help Get help using the Astro CL

👀 Want to learn more about Astro?

Check out Astro documentation or jump into Astro's Discord server.

📚 Tech Stack

Astro, MDX, Vue, TailwindCSS

🛟 Support

If you encounter any issues or bugs, we encourage you to open an issue in the repository. To help us quickly address the problem, please provide detailed information about the bug and steps to reproduce it.

For those seeking priority assistance, we offer premium support services. Feel free to reach out to us by email at hello@unfolding.io. We're here to help!

🚕 Roadmap

As we journey towards v1.0, we want to integrate the best sales tools on the market. If you have requests, please let us know!

☕️ Want to Caffeinate your Developer?

By caffeinating your developer, you're not just getting the best out of them; you're also ensuring a cheerful and energetic work environment.😊


📸 Screenshots

StarFunnel StarFunnel StarFunnel StarFunnel StarFunnel StarFunnel StarFunnel StarFunnel StarFunnel