Kraller ====== A little application to allow signups with keys for accounts on the cwru acm server. Installation ------------ `pip install -e .` from the top level of the project that contains kraller ALL=(root)NOPASSWD:/usr/local/sbin/kraller_adduser,/usr/sbin/usermod kraller ALL=(%users)NOPASSWD:/usr/local/bin/add_ssh_key Running ------- Call the kraller/ directly during development. Set it up on Gunicorn or something similar in production. KRALLER_SETTINGS must be set in the shell and point to a file containing CAS_SERVER_ENDPOINT = '<endpoint>' where <endpoint> is something along the lines of In addition, it should contain a SECRET_KEY for use by the session. DO NOT LET ANYONE KNOW WHAT THAT SECRET IS. Finally, it should have a BLACKLIST_FILE field giving the full path to a file containing a list of blacklisted users. That list should have one user per line, where a user is a caseid _without_ There is an example config file called in the kraller directory.