pilot-link -- Palm Handheld Glue - http://www.pilot-link.org The code and other related files in this distribution are licensed under the GNU General Public License or "GPL", and the GNU Lesser Public License, or "LGPL". See http://www.fsf.org/copyleft/lesser.html for a copy of the LGPL. We will only accept changes into pilot-link if they comply with the proper licensing. There are many companies using pilot-link in their core products and are complying with the license. There are also others companies who don't believe that adhering to the licensing is that important, and violate the license instead. Please do not be one of these companies. This code is under active development. If you would like to contribute to the project, you can contact me, David A. Desrosiers, via email by sending an email to desrod@gnu-designs.com. We can also be reached on Internet Relay Chat, "irc", at irc.pilot-link.org in the channel #pilot-link. I go by the name "setuid" there, and there are a dozen or more helpful users and other developers that hang out there on a regular basis. From the main pilot-link website, you will find many links to helpful documents, HOWTOs, complementary projects that use pilot-link, and other resources to help you get the best use out of your Palm device on your platform of choice; Linux, BSD or Mac OS X. Main website........: http://www.pilot-link.org/ HOWTO Documents.....: http://howto.pilot-link.org/ Code documentation..: http://doxygen.pilot-link.org/ Reporting bugs......: http://bugs.pilot-link.org/ Mailing lists.......: http://lists.pilot-link.org/ We also have several mailing list that you can join. There are mailing lists for development-specific talk, general talk, announcements and commits. On the mailing list webpage, you will have the ability to subscribe and read the past lists archives and posts from thousands of other users. The architecture of pilot-link ------------------------------ There are several core parts of pilot-link: the libraries ------------- pilot-link communicates with Palm handhelds using several methods and functions specific to these devices. In order to facilitate these communications, the functions are stored in a library, which other applications can link to and gain access to those functions. J-Pilot is one example of an application that does exactly this. The core pilot-link libraries are in the 'libpisock' and 'libpisync' subdirectories of the project tree. The standard library for pilot-link is written in the C language, and is very easy to understand and extend if you need to do so. the conduits ------------ In pilot-link, there is also the notion of "conduits", that can be used to communicate directly with your Palm handheld. These "conduits" are the actual applications that you run directly. These are the "userspace" programs. These "conduits" are found in the 'src' subdirectory of the project tree. the language bindings --------------------- Along with the powerful libraries and conduits, pilot-link also provides the ability to communicate with your Palm handheld using your favorite language of choice. Currently, pilot-link includes language "bindings" in Perl, Python, Java, and Tcl. This means you can use those languages, instead of C directly, to talk to your Palm handheld device and communicate with it. Want to write a Java application that uses pilot-link's libraries? Simple! Just use the Java bindings. Want to talk to your Palm device using Perl code? Simply use the Perl bindings. Our hope is that more bindings will be added in the future, such as Ruby or Objective C. the tests --------- In order to make sure the code in pilot-link does what it should, we also include quite a bit of regression tests to check to make sure each function we use is operating properly. These tests will check each of these functions and report any errors or success as they are run. Building the project -------------------- pilot-link is developed primarily on Debian GNU/Linux and FreeBSD. It is expected to build cleanly on any POSIX-compliant platform. Some users have reported success building it under Cygwin on Windows. It will also build cleanly under Apple OSX, if you have the proper development environment installed and configured on your machine. Each of these will be explained in detail below. Building pilot-link on Linux/Unix systems ----------------------------------------- PLEASE READ THIS CAREFULLY! The worst thing you can do is the overly-common misuse of "configure, make, make install" to build and install pilot-link. There are so many customizations you can make to pilot-link, that you should almost never build pilot-link without options. Please make sure you use the --help option to "./configure" to make sure you're enabling all of the options you wish to use. If you have downloaded this code from the website, or as a tarball, simply unpack the tarball and run "./configure" in the top-level directory with your specific arguments. "./configure --help" will describe all of them. If you want to install in some place other than the default location of /usr/local, pass configure an argument such as: $ ./configure --prefix=/home/fred/pilot If configure ran successfully, you should run 'make' to build the software. $ make After the source builds, feel free to play around in the 'src' subdirectory, CAREFULLY. 'dlpsh' and 'pilot-xfer' are probably the most useful programs for you, and also the safest to use non-destructively. Once you have determined that pilot-link works and suits your needs by testing with these programs, switch to the super user, typically "root", to install the conduits, libraries, docs, and headers required for proper operation and development of pilot-link. $ su - root If you wish to include root's environment when you install (STRONGLY recommended), be sure to pass the '-' option when you su to root, as above. AFTER you test that the code works properly, run 'make install' to install the code into your specified prefix, or the default of /usr/local will be used. # make install If you are using a CVS version of pilot-link, you will have to run 'sh ./autogen.sh' instead, from the top-level directory, which will create and bootstrap the "./configure" script for you. You will also need to have your development environment set up, which will require such tools as automake, autoconf, libtool, some system headers, and others to be properly installed and configured on your machine first. If you are running a current Linux or Unix system, these common tools are probably packaged for you. Building pilot-link on OS/2 --------------------------- pilot-link on OS/2 only supports serial devices. USB is unsupported at this time. We would like volunteers to help us out porting pilot-link to work with USB on that platform. If you are skilled and interested in helping, please contact me directly. I can't seem to get the OS to run correctly on any hardware I have, so I need some help there. The steps are fairly straightforward. Run the os2configure.cmd script in the top-level directory. Run make -f Makefile.os2 Play around, CAREFULLY. pilot-xfer is probably the most useful program for you, and also the safest of all to use non-destructively. Also dlpsh is a good app to use to poke around in your Palm device. Run 'make install' if you you have tested thoroughly and are sure pilot-link works well for you. Note on pilot-debug: This program is a work-in-progress, and requires Tcl 7.5 (or greater) and optionally Tk 4.1 (or greater) and/or Readline 2.0. You'll need to modify Makefile to to use Readline 2.0, and if your Tcl or Tk aren't in standard places, you'll need to wiggle configure or the Makefile. You must have installed pilot-link or else run pilot-debug in the pilot-link source directory if you want the fancy images for the Remote UI window. Building pilot-link on Apple OSX/Darwin --------------------------------------- To build pilot-link on Apple OSX ("Darwin") systems, you will need to make sure you have some development tools installed first. These can all be found in the "Fink" package repository hosted on SourceForge. http://fink.sourceforge.net/ Download and install the latest Fink from there onto your OSX system. These will install into the $PREFIX of /sw on your machine. To gain access to the binaries it places in /sw/bin, export the proper /sw/bin path to the BEGINNING of your $PATH environment variable. Do NOT put it at the end: Correct method (for bash) ------------------------- export PATH=/sw/bin:$PATH Incorrect method (for bash) --------------------------- export PATH=$PATH:/sw/bin The reason we need it at the beginning, is so that we can make sure the GNU tools that Fink uses, are chosen first, and not the OSX tools which may carry the same name (libtool is one example). Now that you have Fink installed, and the $PATH exported properly, execute the following command (as root): # fink selfupdate This will update your newly-installed Fink to the latest version available for download. In many cases, the latest version for download may not be the latest version available. 'selfupdate' ensures that it is. From there, you will need to install some GNU tools. Please install the following packages, using the 'fink install <packagename>' syntax: automake autoconf libtool libtool-shlibs m4 readline readline-shlibs make When these are installed, you can then unpack pilot-link, and run the ./configure found inside with your custom arguments and parameters. REMEMBER: It is almost always incorrect to run ./configure without passing it any parameters. Please use './configure --help' first to see descriptions of the parameters you will need to use to customize pilot-link for your needs. After running ./configure, you should then be able to build it with the 'make' command. If it builds clean, PLEASE remember to test it first. The syntax to test pilot-link on OSX for USB devices is as follows: <pilot-link-command> -p usb: [arguments..] One example of this is as follows: pilot-xfer --port usb: --list This should list the record and resource databases found on your Palm handheld device. Building pilot-link on Cygwin under Windows ------------------------------------------- FIXME: Unsupported at this time, but may run under Cygwin talking to COM1 through the Cygwin virtual serial port bridging. Some usage notes about pilot-link --------------------------------- read-ical and sync-ical will only run if you have ical-2.x installed and in the path. sync-plan is a full syncronization program, though it has some interesting quirks and requirements. You must running netplan from plan-1.6.1 (probably available at <http://www.in-berlin.de/User/bitrot>). Future or later versions may work, but I cannot gaurantee this. Sync-plan does _not_ check the Palm's user name, so be very careful not to sync two Palms to the same Plan database. This will not work in a useful manner, at the moment. Sync-plan leaves a file, that has a name starting with "pilothash", in the current directory. This file must be present for all future syncs between that plan database and that Palm. As sync-plan is a work in progress, please contact me with any problems. The default connection rate is 9600 baud. You are welcome to try higher baud rates (19200, 38400, or 57600) by setting the PILOTRATE environment variable, but various machines have various limitations. (Be careful about 38400 on a Linux box if you've been using setserial to change the multiplier.) pilot-mail (which requires a Palm with the new Mail application, as well as sendmail and/or a POP3 server) is still in the experimental stage. Run with an argument of '-H' for help. While I don't expect it to lose data, (and by default mail is kept on both sides, not deleted) I can not and will not guarantee that you won't. Please back up your UNIX mailbox and Palm mailbox (via pilot-xfer) before experimenting. If you wish, you may easily change the default settings (pop host, password, etc.) for pilot-mail by editing the top of pilot-mail.c, as well as by setting the environment variables indicated in its help. Scott Grosch's "validate" program is included, and can be made via 'make validate', but it may not be of use to anyone but Scott. Debugging notes --------------- Please see doc/README.debugging for more detailed information describing how to debug pilot-link's core protocols and interfaces. Debugging pilot-link will allow us to make pilot-link work better on new devices and with new applications. USB Notes --------- Please see doc/README.usb for more detailed information on configuring your system to use USB-enabled Palm handheld devices using the standard Linux "visor" kernel module. If you would like to try the new libusb code, please see doc/README.libusb for details on how to get that working properly. FreeBSD Notes ------------- Please see doc/README.freebsd for more detailed information on setting up pilot-link to work with FreeBSD systems. In FreeBSD, you may have to set your ACLOCAL_FLAGS="-I /usr/local/share/aclocal/" before running autogen.sh. To use libusb, install the libusb port first and run configure. You will need to set LDFLAGS, CFLAGS and CPPFLAGS to let configure find the library, though. Something like this: $ ACLOCAL_FLAGS="-I /usr/local/share/aclocal/" $ LDFLAGS="-L/usr/local/lib" $ CFLAGS="-I/usr/local/include" $ CPPFLAGS="-I/usr/local/include" $ export ACLOCAL_FLAGS LDFLAGS CFLAGS CPPFLAGS Embedding information --------------------- As of 0.5.0, the headers in pilot-link have been rearranged slightly so that it should be easier and more reliable to use the libpisock.a library in external applications. If you want to use the pilot-link portability layer (configured via autoconf), then include pi-source.h. Otherwise, do not touch this file, as it sets up a mildly complex environment. For all normal operations, simply include the obvious files (pi-file for pdb and .prc file access, pi-dlp for DLP sync functions, etc.). pi-macros contains the portable byte-access routines. Reporting Bugs -------------- Any bugs you find with pilot-link can be easily reported in the online bug-tracking system found at http://bugs.pilot-link.org. From there, any issues reported can be updated, audited, commented on, and resolved. You can also attach files and patches any other relevant items to each bug report, to help our team solve the issues or add the features you report. PLEASE NOTE ----------- Please check the existing bugs in the system FIRST before reporting your bug. There may be an identical report from another user that matches your bug. If you find one that is similar, please add your notes and details to that existing report. Please try to be as specific as possible. If your bug is unique, and does not appear in the system, please fill out a new bug report and remember to be as detailed as possible when filling it out. Make sure to include your operating system, version of pilot-link, Palm handheld type and the PalmOS version running on the device, and any steps required to reproduce the bug. With this information, the developers can be well-informed with the information they'll need to help try to track down and fix your bug. License notes ------------- The utility programs, otherwise known collectively as "conduits" (pilot-xfer, dlpsh, sync-plan, etc.) are licensed for use under the GPL. For more information, please see the file COPYING included in this source tree. The libraries (libpisock, libpisync, libpisock++, and libcc) and the language bindings (Perl, Python, Java, and Tcl) are licensed for use under the LGPL. For more information, please see COPYING.LIB included in this source tree. All contained source is the copyright of its author(s). Please see the copyright notices in the individual files for more information on their individual copyrights. --------------------- Happy Hacking, The pilot-link Team --------------------- pilot-link was originally written by Kenneth Albanowski <kjahds@kjahds.com> and others.
pilot-link is a suite of tools used to connect your Palm or PalmOS® compatible handheld with Unix, Linux, and any other POSIX-compatible machine.