
Print and / or save your Google Chrome links from the terminal on MacOS

Primary LanguageShell


List / Save / Instapaper your Google Chrome links from the terminal (on OS X/MacOS)


Clone this repository to use the latest version of lnks:

$ git clone https://github.com/unforswearing/lnks.git .
$ cd lnks 
$ source lnks
$ lnks -h

Or install using npm

$ npm install -g lnks


 lnks <option> <search term>

   -s|--save        save the links to a file on the desktop
   -c|--copy        copy the links to your clipboard
   -p|--print       print the links to stdout
   -m|--markdown    print links with markdown formatting: [title](url) (requires 'html-xml-utils')
   -i|--instapaper  save the link(s) to instapaper
   -b|--pinboard    save the link(s) to pinboard.in (requires 'html-xml-utils')
   -w|--pdf         save each url as a pdf (requires 'wkhtmltopdf')
   -h|--help        print this help message

    - lnks accepts one option. the program will fail if run with more than one option.
      - lnks will allow multiple options in a future version

lnks stores credentials in the .lnks.conf file located in your home directory. Revoke credentials at any time by deleting specific line(s) or the entire file. All data stored in .lnks.conf is private and will never be used for any purpose other than allowing you to save links to either service mentioned below.

If you choose the Instapaper or Pinboard options, lnks will ask for information to autheticate your accounts with those services.



  • Applescript (osascript)
  • Standard command line utilities: awk, curl, grep, sed, etc.


lnks is basically functional without these tools, however they must be installed to use specific lnks options.

To Do / Roadmap

  • Clean up code, add comments, make everything more readable
  • Feature: Read a list of links from a file and execute a single lnks option for each
    • eg. lnks --read urls.txt --pdf
  • Feature: Add support for raindrop.io (if possible)
  • Feature: Create a plugin system and extract Instapaper and Pinboard as "plugins"
    • eg. lnks --plugin path/to/lnks_instapaper.bash "search-term"