
building a programming langauge for fun and knowledge

Primary LanguageTypeScript

Unnamed lang

tentative name: mmpos (mickey mouse piece of shit)

I have been reading a about language design and figured why not try it, inspired by Lua, shell scripting, and many old languages. My background includes English language / linguistic studies and building a constructed human langague was on my list for a while, and building a programming language fits the need pretty well.

This language is currently ~40% implemented. A more formal roadmap forthcoming.


  • functions, lists, and vars all use the same data structure: ()

  - operators:    %, #, ::, @
  - variables:    #number_two(2)

  - conditional:  @when(true === true) :: @out("of course it is")

  - @text:        @text("you have " #miles " to go")
    - replace:    @text.rpl("replace this", "add text")
    - delete:     @text.rpl("don't need this")
  - @math:        @math(4 * 3 / 22)

  - @list:        #items(
                    @list(4.5, "this", "that", true)
    - ins:        @list.ins(#value, #index)
    - ext:        @list.ext(#value, #index)
    - each:       @list.each(#i, #item(#list(#i))) :: 
                    #txt("list item: " #i " = " #item)
    - from:       @list.from(#text)

stdlib functions

  • @when()
  • @math()
  • @list()
    • @list.ins()
    • @list.ext()
    • @list.each()
    • @list.from()
  • @text()
    • @text.rpl()
  • @out()
  • @shell()


%  comments begin with the percent character and run to EOL
:: used to join the "actions" to declaration of conditionals, and iteration
#  declare variable `#varname(in("/path/file.txt"))` 
@   use a built in function 


  • list
  • text


  • new variables are assigned by declaring the varible name like calling a function #number_list(3, 5, 7, 1, 9, 3, 6)
  • if a var (eg. #number_list) already exists it will be overwritten
  • string concat can be done by #jobtitle("insurance agent") #text("hi there, i am your " #jobtitle)


  • when()
    • works like if, then, else

    • performs both integer and number comparisons

    • all comparisons return true or false

    • comparisons use bash a subset of bash comparison args

    • usage

      @when(#item === true) 
        :: then block 
        :: else block


  • @text()

    • pass text to other command or arg
    #distance(text("you have " #miles " to go")))`
  • @text.rpl() replaces text

    @text.rpl("replace this", "add string")
  • @text.rpl() with replacement string will delete the substring from 'text'


  • @math()
    • all math operations need to use the math function
    • the number type only exists in the math function
    • math(2 + 2)
    • math(2 % 16)
    • etc


  • @list()
    • similar to js arrays
    % usage: #list(4.5, "this", "that", true)
      % output (4.5, "this", "that", true)

    % the only way to insert or extract items from a list is to use 
      % and

    % list methods
      #list.ins(#value, #idx)
      #list.ext(#value, #idx)
        % the only option for iterating over a list
        % list.each() with no args will return the list length
        % each arguments are passed as a list 
          % the first arg must be the index variable, 
          % second arg must be a definition of item at index
        % "do" is separate list containing commands
        #i, #item(list(#i))) ::
          @out("list item: #i " = " #item)

        % create a list from a variable
          % strings and numbers are split character wise
          % 1 character strings or numbers will be added as a single item in a new list
          % #list.from(#listvar) will return the listvar unmodified
          % everything else is added as a single item


  • only happens with list.each()


  • output text to console
  • output text to file


  • execute shell command