
Quickstart doc to set up auto-deployment of Browserify-based code to GitHub Pages using Travis CI

Primary LanguageJavaScript


The purpose of this repo is to help quickly get you started on auto-deploying your open-source Browserify-based project onto GitHub Pages using Travis CI. Just copy the stock .travis.yml to your repo, no changes needed, and configure Travis.

I have been using Browserify to organize a lot of my side-projects, and wanted a quick way to get them up online. This is the quick cheatsheet I ended up with. See instructions below.

This repo also works as a simple "hello world" Browserify example (see index.js as the main entry point) that illustrates the end result. The .travis.yml file is set up to compile the index.js file in place, then automatically commit and force-push the result to the gh-pages branch of the repository. Results are accessible under the standard GitHub Pages URL for this repo: https://unframework.github.io/browserify-github-pages/

GitHub Pages Publishing in Your Project

Instructions on setting up auto-deployment of Browserified code on your open source GitHub repo:

Some prerequisites:

  • your main code entry point is index.js
  • your project has a NodeJS package.json file
  • you may have a custom index.html file (if not, default index is auto-created)
  • YOUR gh-pages REPO BRANCH WILL BE OVERWRITTEN (make sure that branch does not exist!)

Let's go:

  • create personal GitHub token to allow auto-push
  • enable Travis CI on your repository
    • https://travis-ci.org/
    • click "add repository" (the plus sign in the sidebar)
    • find your repo in the list and enable CI (may need to "Sync Account" first)
    • click on gear icon (repo settings)
    • under Environment Variables add a GH_PUBLISH_TOKEN variable and paste token string as its value
    • make sure "display value in build log" stays in the OFF position!
  • download, commit and push the stock .travis.yml file to the master branch of your repo
    • curl -O https://raw.githubusercontent.com/unframework/browserify-github-pages/master/.travis.yml
    • git add .travis.yml and git commit -m 'Enable Travis' on master
    • then push to GitHub, of course
    • after a while the build should start in Travis! check to see that it completes with no issue
    • your GitHub Pages site should be in its usual place: https://<your-username>.github.io/<your-repo>/

That's it. Open an issue on this repo if you run into problems. Happy Browserifying!


This tutorial is heavily influenced by this helpful instructional Gist. However, I ended up re-doing the process from scratch, targeting only the Browserify use case, to avoid changing any files, using SSH keys or a second repo clone in Travis.