Framework flight

Elixir + Phoenix

  • Used asdf for installing/managing erlang and elixir.
    • Took me a while to get erlang/elixir installed, because I had some missing dependencies before using asdf. For me it was openssl and/or libssl-dev: sudo apt-get install openssl libssl-dev.
  • Phoenix really wants you to build a web front-end. The app it scaffolds is filled with templates, views, etc. -- feels very ruby on rails. Which isn't necessarily bad, it's just very much "this is how you build your app".
    • The gen tool has phx.gen.json which will scaffold the schema, controller, json resource view, and organize it into a context.

Go + Gin

Kotlin + Spring or Ktor (TBD)


Rust + Actix

  • Using Diesel ORM library. Since I'm only using postgres, first need to install the postgres client before installing the diesel CLI otherwise it'll error out:
    • sudo apt-get install libpq-dev
    • cargo install diesel_cli --no-default-features --features "postgres"
  • Might consider pulling out the diesel library for SeaORM because it's async.