Node, Mongo, React, Express
- Register using mobile number.
- Geolocate nearby people on basis of desired radius (input) and list them.
- Request a connection with someone from the list for a video chat (and text?).
- User may accept or reject the request.
- Authentication system
- Model for geolocation matching.
- Model for socket/WebRTC connection
- Database
- User Table: Name Pictur Password Number Location Co. Enable Video call feature
- Chat : Message Content Sent by(user details Sent to(receiver details) Timestamp
- page login (number password)
- Page signup (number, password, name,picture)
- Page for existing chats
- Page for people nearby
- chat ui
- [ ] Choose an architecture.
- [ ] Implement Models.
- [ ] Implement Schemas.
- [ ] Implement Front end.
- [ ] ....
- [ ] ....