
Primary LanguageJavaScriptMIT LicenseMIT


Flux2-client is the web app for the second version of Flux.

Getting started

These instructions will get you a copy of the project on your local machine for development and testing purposes.



After cloning the repository locally, install the project dependencies.

yarn install

The flux2-client communicate with flux2-server using webSockets. Look at /src/index.html and change the server URL if necessary.

Now you can run the app :

yarn dev

Production deployment

This app is made to have an auto deployment on master push. The app will be started as a test on travis-ci, which will then trigger the auto-deployment to a dokku server.

To push on the Dokku server, travis has to get the private ssh key of a dokku user :

# generate new keys
ssh-keygen -f deploy_key

# Use deploy_key.pub to create a new user on dokku that can push to this new repository
cat deploy_key.pub | ssh dokku@dokku.uttnetgroup.net dokku ssh-keys:add flux2-travis

# Login on travis and encryp key
travis login
travis encrypt-file deploy_key --add

# Clean unencrypted keys
rm deploy_key deploy_key.pub

# Add and commit encrypted deploy_key
git add deploy_key.enc

On the dokku app, you have to use the buildpack heroku-buildpack-static

dokku config:set flux2-client BUILDPACK_URL=https://github.com/hone/heroku-buildpack-static

You can also configure the Flux API server by setting an env variable on travis

FLUX_API_URI_PROD = https://api.flux.uttnetgroup.fr
FLUX_API_URI_DEV = https://api.flux-dev.uttnetgroup.fr

Built with

  • React.js - A javascript library for building user interfaces
  • Material ui - A set of React Components that implement Google's material design
  • Yarn - Javascript package manager
  • WebPack - A module bundler for modern Javascript applications.
  • Babel - A Javascript transpiler
  • Sails socket client - Client library of the Sails.js framework



  • Notification - link


This project is licensed under the MIT License - see the LICENSE file for details