modularscale-sass needed in deps?
ungoldman opened this issue · 2 comments
ungoldman commented
> sass /Users/ngoldman/dev/git/
> node-sass source/scss/ -o build/css/ --include-path node_modules/
"status": 1,
"file": "/Users/ngoldman/dev/git/",
"line": 3,
"column": 1,
"message": "File to import not found or unreadable: modularscale-sass/stylesheets/modular-scale\nParent style sheet: /Users/ngoldman/dev/git/",
"formatted": "Error: File to import not found or unreadable: modularscale-sass/stylesheets/modular-scale\n Parent style sheet: /Users/ngoldman/dev/git/\n on line 3 of node_modules/style.css/style.scss\n>> @import 'modularscale-sass/stylesheets/modular-scale';\n ^\n"
ungoldman commented
ungoldman commented
fixed in 1.0.0-alpha-7