- 0
use pico as inspiration for rewrite
#76 opened by ungoldman - 1
Plans for v2
#58 opened by ungoldman - 0
site: fix nav on mobile
#56 opened by ungoldman - 0
Relative font-size used on html causes repaint every time viewport width changes - Chrome@Macos
#43 opened by mkarlowski - 4
add inverse style
#29 opened by ungoldman - 0
add minified version for dist
#36 opened by ungoldman - 0
migrate to postcss
#28 opened by ungoldman - 2
- 3
link colors
#19 opened by ungoldman - 1
add banner to dist
#21 opened by ungoldman - 1
contrast too low for code & pre?
#22 opened by ungoldman - 1
- 0
move main scss file to root
#24 opened by ungoldman - 0
expose some things as variables
#25 opened by ungoldman - 2
include syntax highlighting styles?
#26 opened by ungoldman - 2
modularscale-sass needed in deps?
#27 opened by ungoldman - 1
switch to postcss
#31 opened by ungoldman - 1
replace main with .markdown-body
#32 opened by ungoldman - 0
improve usage, documentation
#33 opened by ungoldman - 0
better link color
#34 opened by ungoldman - 0
1.0.0 checklist
#35 opened by ungoldman - 2
improve intro explanation
#37 opened by ungoldman - 1
generate guide from markdown
#1 opened by ungoldman - 1
add .npmignore
#2 opened by ungoldman - 1
Style all elements from guide
#3 opened by ungoldman - 1
Refactor markdown CSS
#4 opened by ungoldman - 0
Investigate alternate CSS preprocessors
#5 opened by ungoldman - 0
make a hamburger
#6 opened by ungoldman - 0
do some kind of mobile first thing
#7 opened by ungoldman - 0
ditch this approach
#8 opened by ungoldman - 9
font stacks
#9 opened by nikolaswise - 0
site maintenance
#30 opened by ungoldman