
Developing/testing a single-target implicit association test (ST-IAT) based on code provided by Dr. Tom Carpenter, and based on iatgen software

Primary LanguageR


Use iatgen:writeSCIATfull() to create single-target IAT that includes training block (a la Inquisit).

Initial code for develping ST-IAT obtained from Dr. Tom Carpenter, one of the lead developers of iatgen, which enables researchers to implement IAT's on Qualtrics.

General Steps

  1. Use iatgen:writeSCIATfull() to create 'skeleton' of ST-IAT

    • Importantly, should include the target and attribute stimuli that you want to use!
  2. Use iatgen:writeIATfull() to create a dummy IAT** then "steal" the training block(s) from this dummy IAT, for example, by importing questions from destination 'skeleton ST-IAT created in (1)

    • Importantly, you must "steal" two training blocks, one with positive category on right (RP/LN) and one with positive category on left (RN/LP)
  3. Modify survey flow in destination ST-IAT

    • Add randomizer so that participants will see only one of the two training blocks stolen from dummy IAT
    • Add logic tree/randomizer so that participants will only see one of the two ST-IAT's that correspond to the placement of "POSITIVE" and "NEGATIVE" (or whatever categories) that was present in the training block
    • For example, if participant was randomly placed in the training block in which POSITIVE was on the right side of the screen (RP/LN); then they should only be able to be placed into the two ST-IATs with the same placements (i.e., either [a] RP, compatible first or [b] LN, incompatible first--both of which have "POSITIVE" on the right side of the screen)
  4. Modify html for ALL questions to ensure that everything makes sense

    • e.g., instructions on training blocks should read like they are the first block in the study, which they will not
    • e.g., on training blocks, there are trial/block numbers (e.g. "1 of 4") at the bottom of slides that need to be changed
    • e.g., on testing blocks, there are instructions that read like it is the VERY first block; unnecessary, perhaps move this instruction wording to before the training blocks
    • Use files e.g., "add-to-q1-html.txt" and replace matching part in html for corresponding block (e.g., Question 1 in ALL FOUR versions [blocks] of IAT)
    • IMPORTANT: The only part of the html for each question that is changed is from the line below until the END: <div class="instruct" id="instructions">
  5. Modify "pre-IAT" content in Qualtrics (e.g., with instructions, etc.)

  6. Modify Block names

    • Training Blocks
    • IAT 1 - Compatible First [Target A on RIGHT with POS]
    • IAT 2 - Incompatible First [Target A on LEFT with NEG]
    • IAT 3 - Compatible First [Target A on LEFT with POS]
    • IAT 4 - Incompatible First [Target A on RIGHT with NEG]
  7. Modify Question names

    • e.g., for "IAT 1 - Compatible First [Target A on RIGHT with POS]": "Q1 RP1", "Q2 RP2",...


  • Make sure that you are using the "Minimal 2014" Qualtrics theme with NO PAGE TRANSITIONS.
  • If you import any IAT blocks into another survey, make sure to "keep export tags" and also make sure to re-insert page breaks between different IAT blocks (i.e., questions within Qualtrics blocks)
  • Data must be download as a .csv from Qualtrics in LEGACY FORMAT.