
Displays billboard advertisements to users based off attributes detected using facial recognition software.

Primary LanguageHTML


Displays billboard advertisements to users based off attributes detected via facial recognition software.

Built at RowdyHacks2019 with the help of

@defaultidname: Franklyn Ramirez


@BenGonzalez97 I also worked on the OpenCV library to implement attributes from the webcam feed. We did a bunch of web app development, which I was fairly new to and never dived into before. It was a great learning experience and happy with the end result.


  • Digital marketing
  • LED billboards
  • Facebook Ads Platform

What it does

  • Obtains user attributes via web cam and tailors ads to identified demographic

How we built it

  • The OpenCV python library was used for facial detection
  • Neural net models detect user attributes set by developer
  • Advertisements were then shown based off of the user attributes detected

Challenges we ran into

  • Integrating the facebook graph API
  • Interfacing python with Node.js
  • Parsing JSON data from python requests module

Accomplishments that we're proud of

  • Displaying ads based on user profile/attributes

What we learned

  • HTTP requests
  • Complex API integrations
  • Deploying a neural network

What's next for FacialRecognitionAdvertising

  • Detecting more user attributes
  • Increasing accuracy of attribute classification
  • Integrating data with advertising API