This document describes the procedure for configuring the LAN865x hardware and installing driver. These procedures are tested in Raspberry Pi 4 with Linux Kernel 6.1.21.
- Connect the Pi 4 Click Shield board on the 40-pin header in Pi 4.
- Pi 4 Click Shield buy link:
- Connect the LAN865x on the Mikro Bus slots available on the Pi 4 Click Shield.
- LAN865x Click board buy link:
- For more details please refer to the Microchip LAN865x product website:
- Prepare the SD card for Pi 4 with raspian image available in the Pi official website.
- Link to refer:
If the Raspberry Pi OS is freshly installed, then the below prerequisites are mandatory before using the driver package. Please make sure the Raspberry Pi is connected with internet because some dependencies need to be installed for driver package installation script.
- Please make sure the current date and time of Raspberry Pi is up to date. Can be checked with the below command,
$ date
- If they are not up to date and if you want to set it manually then use the below example and modify the fields for the current date and time,
$ sudo date -s "Wednesday 01 March 2023 02:38:43 PM IST"
Link to refer:
- Please make sure the apt-get is up to date. Run the below command to update apt-get,
$ sudo apt-get update
- Extract the downloaded software package into your local directory using the below command,
$ unzip
$ cd lan865x-linux-driver-0v2/
There are two scripts are available for the user interface. You can use either one of the script to configure LAN865x. Run the below command if you wan to go with command line interface.
$ ./
Or run the below command if you want to go with terminal user interface.
$ ./
Note: If the above script is failed to run because of the executable permission then try after running the below commands,
$ chmod +x
$ chmod +x
- The script checks for the dialog, device-tree-compiler and raspberrypi-kernel-headers packages installation status and asks for your confirmation to install in case if they are not installed.
- The script provides the following three options to prepare the LAN865x in Raspberry Pi 4.
- Configure 1st LAN865x (eth1) - Provides options for configuring PLCA settings, MAC address, IP address and Save & Configure for the 1st LAN865x connected in the Mikroe bus 1 slot. Note: Always do Save & Configure in case if you modified something to take effect otherwise your changes will be lost.
- Configure 2nd LAN865x (eth2) - Provides options for configuring PLCA settings, MAC address, IP address and Save & Configure for the 2nd LAN865x connected in the Mikroe bus 2 slot. Note: Always do Save & Configure in case if you modified something to take effect otherwise your changes will be lost.
- Install Driver - Compiles and installs the driver.
- In a fresh installation, Save & Configure and Install Driver are must even if you want to go with the default values and then Reboot the Raspberry Pi.
- Please explore each and every option to get to know about the usage.
- A reboot is always required in case you configured any of the above settings to take effect.
Note: IP address assignment is done based on the MAC address configuration. An invalid MAC address configuration may lead to a random IP assignment.
- Open config.txt file which is located into the /boot/ directory with Superuser access to include lan865x device tree overlay.
- Uncomment the line #dtparam=spi=on
- Add the line dtoverlay=lan865x after the above line, so the config.txt should have the below lines also,
Command to open the file,
$ sudo vim /boot/config.txt
Contents to add in the file,
Note: A sample config.txt file with above settings is available in the config directory for the reference.
Configure and compile device tree overlay,
- The above hardware setup can support the maximum of two LAN865x 10BASE-T1S Ethernet devices and they can be configured in the device tree overlay file lan865x-overlay.dts which is located in the dts directory. Valid value ranges are commented nearby each property in the lan865x-overlay.dts file.
- Edit the desired properties values in the device tree such as,
- local-mac-address
- Enter the desired MAC address
- plca-enable
- 1 - PLCA enable and CSMA/CD disable, 0 - vice versa.
- plca-node-id
- 0 to 254
- plca-node-count
- 1 to 255
- plca-burst-count
- 0x0 to 0xFF
- plca-burst-timer
- 0x0 to 0xFF
- plca-To-timer
- 0x0 to 0xFF
- tx-cut-through-mode
- 1 - Tx cut through mode enable and store & forward mode disable, 0 - vice versa.
- rx-cut-through-mode
- 1 - Rx cut through mode enable and store & forward mode disable, 0 - vice versa.
- oa-chunk-size
- 32 or 64.
- oa-protected
- 1 - OA protected enable, 0 - OA protected disable.
- local-mac-address
Command to open the file,
$ vim dts/lan865x-overlay.dts
Note: Tx and Rx cut through mode will fail if SPI transfer rate is slower than the network transfer rate.
- Make sure the device tree compiler dtc is installed in Pi, if not use the below command to install it,
$ sudo apt-get install device-tree-compiler
- Compile the device tree overlay file lan865x-overlay.dts to generate lan865x.dtbo using the below command,
$ dtc -I dts -O dtb -o lan865x.dtbo dts/lan865x-overlay.dts
- Copy the generated lan865x.dtbo file into the /boot/overlays/ directory using the below command,
$ sudo cp lan865x.dtbo /boot/overlays/
Now reboot the Pi.
Steps to compile and load the driver module
Make sure the linux headers are installed in Pi, if not use the below command to install it,
$ sudo apt-get --assume-yes install build-essential cmake subversion libncurses5-dev bc bison flex libssl-dev python2
$ sudo wget -O /usr/local/bin/rpi-source && sudo chmod +x /usr/local/bin/rpi-source && /usr/local/bin/rpi-source -q --tag-update
$ rpi-source --skip-gcc
- Compile the driver using the below command,
$ cd lan865x-linux-driver/
$ make
- Load the driver using the below command,
$ sudo insmod lan865x_t1s.ko
- Now you are ready with your 10BASE-T1S ethernet interfaces eth1 and eth2.
- Use the below command to enable better performance in Pi,
$ echo performance | sudo tee /sys/devices/system/cpu/cpu0/cpufreq/scaling_governor > /dev/null
Note: The above setting needs to be done after every boot. Example ethernet configuration
$ sudo ip addr add dev eth1
$ sudo ip addr add dev eth2
- If you don't want to do the above driver loading, setting scaling_governor and ip configuration in every boot then add those commands in the /etc/rc.local file so that they will be executed automatically every time when you boot Pi. For that open the rc.local file with superuser permission and add the following lines before exit 0,
Command to open the file,
$ sudo vim /etc/rc.local
Contents to add in the file,
cd <your_local_directory_for_driver_module>
insmod lan865x_t1s.ko
echo performance > /sys/devices/system/cpu/cpu0/cpufreq/scaling_governor
sleep 1
sudo ip addr add dev eth1
sudo ip addr add dev eth2
- You can add the IP configuration alone in dhcpcd.conf file which is located in the /etc/ directory like below,
Command to open the file,
$ vim /etc/dhcpcd.conf
Contents to add in the file,
interface eth1
static ip_address=
interface eth2
static ip_address=
- Command on server side and the IP is,
$ iperf3 -s -i 1
- Command on client side and the IP is,
$ iperf3 -c -b 10M -u -t 86400 -i 1
Test case 1: Single LAN865x connected and tx cut through mode enabled.
Result: Performance around 9.4Mbps.
Test case 2: Single LAN865x connected and tx cut through mode disabled.
Result: Performance around 9.4Mbps.
Test case 3: Two LAN865x's are connected and tx cut through mode enabled on both.
Result: The total bandwidth configuration should not exceed 10Mbps to achieve the expected performance.
Test case 4: Two LAN865x's are connected and tx cut through mode disabled on both.
Result: Performance around 5.0Mbps on both when both LAN865x's are configured as Tx. In case of Rx, the total bandwidth configuration should not exceed more than 10 Mbps to achieve the expected performance.
Note 1: Test case 3 and 4 are tested with two networks and also note that the above hardware setup is using single SPI master and two LAN865x SPI slaves.
Note 2: The above tests are performed in RPI 4. Different platforms with dedicated SPI master for each nodes will give better performance than this.
- Timestamping according to Open Alliance TC6 is to be implemented.