
Enclave ready EVM (eEVM) is an open-source, standalone, embeddable, C++ implementation of the Ethereum Virtual Machine.

Primary LanguageC++MIT LicenseMIT

eEVM/evm2cpp Fuzzing Harness

This is a fork of the Microsoft Research Enclave EVM adapted to:

  • Provide the means to be specialized by the evm2cpp transpiler
  • Provide a generic multi transaction fuzzing harness to fuzz smart contracts
  • Provide a differential testing harness between evm2cpp-specialized code and the generic EVM interpreter. (the code is still there, but a bit outdated)

See the the original README.md for details on the original project.


For easier handling, we provide a shell wrapper script to quickly build the project (using cmake and ninja in the Background)

$ ./quick-build.sh

Specialized Contracts

evm2cpp will specialize parts of the eEVM to a single contract, s.t., they can be run within the eEVM framework. Transpiled EVM smart contracts will be placed in the directory ./contracts and additional header file in ./include/eEVM/evm2cpp/contracts. For fuzzing purposes we also write the ABI and a fuzzer-dictionary to ./fuzz/abi/ and ./fuzz/dict/, respectively.

Currently there are a couple of contracts, which are already transpiled, in this repository:

  • nop - does nothing
  • crowdsale - contract vulnerable due to lack of access control
  • harvey_baz - showcases property-based fuzzing
  • Bank - showcases multi-contract support; contract vulnerable to delegated reentrancy

For use with other contracts see the evm2cpp repository on how to translate a contract to C++.

Fuzzing Harness code


First we need to build the fuzzing harness and select the specialized smart contract we want to use, e.g.,:

$ ./quick-build.sh afuzz crowdsale

...builds the harness with the compiler wrapper provided by AFL++ and selects the crowdsale contract for fuzzing.

Since you need to rebuild the whole project whenever you change the contract, the quick-build scripts write fuzzing builds to ./fuzz/build/.

Launching a Fuzzer

In principal one can simply run a stock AFL++ on the fuzz_multitx harness binary. However, for efficient fuzzing you will want to utilize our custom mutator, the evm2cpp-generated dictionary etc. Take a loot at the script fuzz/launch-aflfuzz.sh, which launches a one or more AFL++ instances on a given contract (control the number of AFL instances with FUZZ_CORES environment variables).

For experimentation with the fuzzer we have some other scripts that allow easy testing of the fuzzer in different configurations using tmux/tmuxp. There are several options that control with what features the fuzzer is launched.

$ ./fuzz/interactive-aflfuzz.sh \
    --fuzzing-time 3600 --cores 8 \
    --bench-until-crash \

There are multiple options that can be set via the environment variable for the headless ./fuzz/launch-aflfuzz.sh (and to some extent also the ./fuzz/launch-libfuzzer.sh script).

  • FUZZ_CORES - number of cores to utilize for fuzzing
  • FUZZ_PLOT - if set to 1 automatically run afl-plot
  • FUZZ_EVMCOV - compute EVM-level basic block coverage after fuzzing.
  • IGNORE_ABI - whether the ABI is ignored even if it can be auto-located
  • ABI_PATH - override the path to the contract ABI(s)
  • FUZZ_PRINT_ENV_CONFIG - set to 1 to print environment variables set before launching the fuzzer. Useful for debugging the launcher script.
  • ...and several others. Just check the launcher scripts.

Controlling the Fuzzing Harness

The fuzzing harness can be controlled with a variety of environment variables.

Controlling the harness behavior at fuzz-time

  • EVM_ALLOW_CREATOR_TX - the creator of the contract (i.e., commonly the "owner" of the smart contract) will also issue transactions. Beware of false alarms here because the creator will do something stupid (i.e., transfer ownership of the contract to the attacker).
  • EVM_NO_INITIAL_ETHER - by default the fuzzer is allowed to give the target contract an initial ether balance, mostly to simulate that there have been prior uses of the contract. Since forced ether sends are a thing this should not really be a problem for somewhat decent real world contracts. However, in some contrived example this could lead to a false alarms, so this is configurable.
  • EVM_ALLOW_INDIRECT_ETHER_TRANSFERS - (this is now the default!) only report a bug if the sum of all the ether balances of the fuzzer-controlled accounts is bigger than the initial amount. Use this if your contract is "bank-like" and allows to transfer ether between accounts somehow. Token contracts that have a built-in exchange of Token to ether are a good candidate for this. In general this could miss some bugs and likely has a longer "time-to-bug". However, this setting should yield less false alarms for certain contracts.
  • EVM_IGNORE_LEAKING - do not report a bug when leaking ether is discovered. This is useful for some token contracts, which have functionality to allow sending ether to an arbitrary address.
  • EVM_REPORT_DOS_SELFDESTRUCT - report also Denial-of-Service (DoS) selfdestruct calls - i.e., the attacker cannot gain ether, but simply destroys the contract.
  • EVM_MOCK_ALL_CALLS - Usually when calling a non-existing external address, the fuzzing harness will simply signal an error to the calling contract. When this flag is set, all external calls will be mocked by the fuzzer (this can easily lead to false positives when the contract expects a contract with a particular behavior at a fixed address).
  • EVM_NO_ABORT - set to avoid any calls to abort() in the fuzzing harness -> no detected bugs, but useful for code coverage measurements
  • EVM_DISABLE_DETECTOR - set to disable the built-in bug oracles, e.g., if you only want property-based fuzzing.
  • EVM_PROPERTY_PATH - enable property-based fuzzing if set; must be a path to a file in the .signatures format output by the solidity compiler.
  • EVM_REPORT_EVENTS - report a bug when one of multiple specific events are encountered during execution (e.g., the AssertionFailed() event).
  • EVM_REPORT_EVENTS_ONLY_TARGET - whether to report a bug on all event occurrences or just on the ones produced by the main contract
  • EVM_LOG_TOPICS_PATH - path to a file containing the hashes and names of the log topics to search for in the report events bug oracle.
  • EVM_REPORT_SOL_PANIC - enable a bug oracle that checks for Solidity Panic(uint256) errors as return values to revert

Change the way the initial state is constructred

  • EVM_CREATE_TX_INPUT - override the input given to the contract constructor call, including the constructor code.
  • EVM_CREATE_TX_ARGS - override only the constructor arguments, not the constructor code.
  • EVM_TARGET_ADDRESS - string that specifies the address of the target contract.
  • EVM_LOAD_STATE - file path to a global state initializer json file. See ./fuzz/state.load.example.json for an example of the file format.
  • EVM_TARGET_MULTIPLE_ADDRESSES - enable multi-target fuzzing. This means the fuzzing harness will choose a receiver for each transaction based on this list. Also probably want to set EVM_LOAD_STATE to load a useful set of contracts.
    • Important you have to ensure the first target in this list matches EVM_TARGET_ADDRESS and is referring to your target contract. Otherwise the harness will execute unexpected code. You won't notice except for poor fuzzing results.
    • Important you need to set ABI_PATH such that it is a comma-separated list of paths to the contract ABIs in the same order as the target address list. Otherwise, the custom mutator will become confused. You won't notice except for poor fuzzing results.
    • What if your target creates new contracts in its constructor and you want to fuzz them? You don't know the address upfront, which you would need to pass in the address list. You can execute your fuzzing harness and let it dump its initial/end states to obtain the addresses that are present in the state (or locate the newly created contracts in the debug output of the harness). Then you can switch to multi-target fuzzing, as the address of the newly created contract should be deterministic.

Debugging and evaluation

  • EVM_DEBUG_PRINT - enable verbose printing to stdout
  • EVM_COVERAGE_FILE - save a simple EVM coverage format to this file (contains basic block addresses separated by newline).
  • EVM_DUMP_STATE - e.g., "./state" - will dump the blockchain state at the beginning to "./state.init.json" and also all bug triggering states to "./state.bug.json".

Gotchas and False Alarms

Due to limitations of the current fuzzing harness there are several things that do not work or will result in immediate false alarms.

  • Hangs/timeouts are used to signal something unsupported was called.
  • If your contract is intended to give out free ether, the fuzzing harness considers this a bug.
  • Creating new contracts at runtime: this does not work due to the ahead-of-time compiled nature of the fuzzing harness.
  • Creating new contracts in the constructor: this works. However, if the code of the newly created contract was not previously translated with evm2cpp the fuzzer will not use the code of the newly created contract, but will instead "replace" them with a simulated attacker contract... This often leads to unintended behavior in the main contract.
  • The intended possibility to transfer ether via the contract. The fuzzing harness might report a potential bug if it is possible to transfer ether indirectly via the contract under test. Update: This problem is mitigated now by making EVM_ALLOW_INDIRECT_ETHER_TRANSFERS=1 the default.
  • Hardcoded payable addresses (e.g., in the constructor). Since the fuzzing harness does not know about this address it will assume it to be unknown and report many bugs if the contract attempts to send ether there. Update This problem is mitigated now because EVM_IGNORE_LEAKING=1 is now the default.
  • Library or proxy contracts do not work (i.e., DELEGATECALL) Library and proxy contracts work if you translate the code of all contracts and use the state loading feature.

Example Inputs

Let's take the crowdsale contract for example. We have the attack against the crowdsale contract, which was generated by the fuzzer. We are using the ethmutator utility functions here.

# first convert from the yaml to the binary representation
$ efuzzcasetranscoder fuzz/example_inputs/crowdsale_attack.yml \

# then we can use the analyzer to parse and analyse the input according to the
#crowdsale abi
$ efuzzcaseanalyzer -a fuzz/abi/crowdsale.abi \
# we can run this input with the fuzzing harness. First, we have to build 
# the crowdsale contract.
$ ./quick-build.sh afuzz crowdsale

# then we can launch the fuzzing harness for the crowdsale contract with the
# attack input
    ./fuzz/build/afuzz/crowdsale/fuzz_multitx \