
Gulp plugin to create color variants of SVGs and add them to the stream

Primary LanguageJavaScript


Replaces the fill attribute value of an SVG with one or several predefined colors and adds the new files to the stream. The original file is removed from the stream.

If no colors were specified, the original files are passed through.

Word of caution: If an SVG does not have a fill attribute (which seems to be the case for black icons exported from Illustrator), the default option.replaceColor function won't find anything to replace and should be adapted accordingly (e.g. return content.replace(/<path/g, '<path fill="#' + hex + '"');).

For complex SVGs you should probably add cheerio to the mix.


First, install gulp-colorize-svgs as a development dependency:

npm install --save-dev gulp-colorize-svgs

Then, add it to your gulpfile.js:

var colorize = require('gulp-colorize-svgs');

gulp.task('colorize', function(){
  return gulp.src(['app/icons/*.svg'])
      colors: {
        // All files
        default: {
          blue: '0000ff',
          red: 'ff0000'
        // Specific files
        icon2: {
          green: '00ff00'
      replaceColor: function(content, hex) {
        return content.replace(/fill="#(.*?)"/g, 'fill="#' + hex + '"');
      replacePath: function(path, colorKey) {
        return path.replace(/\.svg/, '--' + colorKey + '.svg');



Type: Object

Colors to use. Key corresponds to file name, "default" property is used as a fallback for unspecified files.


Type: Function

SVG transformation function. Replacing every occurrence of a fill attribute by default.


Type: Function

Transformation function for the new file's name. Adding --[colorKey] by default.